Chapter 9: You have Hostilities

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Over the hospital, a gigantic ship came out of its invisible way. It was black, in the shape of half a standing disk, metal tentacles came out of its smooth part, which was its back, and flailed in the air.

Elite alien soldiers descended from it by ropes. Wearing black bulletproof clothes, gas masks and helmets revealed nothing of their faces and their submachine guns fired green lasers several times a second.

These soldiers raided the hospital, smashing doors and windows with maximum efficiency and speed, and split up in pairs to look for the target. Getting to find him fast.

- Fuck you! - Fabio cursed by shooting at a pair that found him in his office thirty-three.

The soldiers' clothes were barely damaged, unlike their shots. Anchieta felt bad, began to see everything with blood marches and to feel the beat of his heart beat higher and slower. He was dying, the changes gave his body greater resistance. He quickly stepped out of the firing range and protected himself behind an office desk, until he fully recovered with his eyesight returning to normal in a white light.

He had to leave, because the lasers were destroying the table and starting to cross it.

He went into an air duct behind the desk and managed to get out of the office. The soldiers discovered their escape route and informed everyone by radio on their helmet. They immediately started shooting any duct they saw.

Fabio's pipeline burst and he fell into a waiting room. Several soldiers spotted him. Behind a row of chairs, Fabio intended to shoot back, but a beep-emitting grenade made him have the urgency to enter a hospitalization room. It was long with several beds. He closed the door before the grenade exploded.

- Damn you! - Fabio spoke sharply staying behind the wall near the door while the aliens positioned themselves in the room to attack him. A grenade was thrown again, he picked it up and threw it back before it exploded.

Outside, a group of six soldiers rappelled down to enter the windows. Fabio's boomerang cut the strings of all of them, with the exception of the last one that was saved, jumping into the hospital.

Fabio came forward, grabbed him and gave shocks even after he reacted. He stole his weapon and used him as a shield, holding by the neck with his left hand while the right one used the weapon. He left the room.

The soldiers shot their partner mercilessly while Fabio fired at them. There was an intense shootout with more soldiers coming from everywhere and Fabio had difficulty reloading the weapon with both hands busy. The alien weapon was thrown away when the ammunition ran out, as it needed to use twenty bullets to break through the soldiers' tough clothing, and used the "Amigo" machine gun that was not very effective against them.

One soldier intended to launch another grenade, Fabio hit it in the air and thus killed four soldiers at once. A soldier came in behind him, butted him in the back of the neck. He dropped the soldier, dead and mostly shattered. He shocked his attacker and made him receive all the shots that came. He launched the boomerang before entering the door behind him and blocking it with a closet.

He needed to get away before he ran out of bullets. He managed to reach the entrance hall without being detected by anyone. The hall had a large open space surrounded by beautifully decorated columns and glass doors to shops and pharmacy, this was a private hospital for the upper class. Several soldiers guarding the exit route and the car Fabio had used to reach the hospital was in front of the entrance with the door open and the key in the ignition.

Fabio managed to kill one of them silently, attacked him from behind and killed him by shoving the blade into his throat. With that he managed to get a laser submachine gun and some grenades. A soldier saw him and attacked. Fabio protected himself behind a column before he started to die.

Reinforcements were called, and they would be arriving soon. Fabio threw a grenade trying to pierce the soldiers' suppression fire, this was a tactic where you fired more than the enemy so that he had no chance to fight back. With the grenade he managed to kill three soldiers, breaking the enemy fire a bit. He launched the boomerang, but as it went blindly, he didn't kill anyone.

He had to run to another column to escape a soldier who was trying to flank him on the left. Fabio managed to kill him, but there were still five more soldiers on his way to the car.

Outside, a chain-link steel platform descended from the ship carrying a heavy minigun, which floated and was operated by two soldiers in lighter clothing than the others, the remaining five soldiers positioned beside it.

The shots of this minigun managed to smash the concrete of the walls and columns through which Fabio fled and fired at the same time. He was practically dead end, he would not be able to attack it without being shot. Taking a risk, he visualized his target and the boomerang killed one of the machine gun operators, just as Fabio was seeing everything in blood.

A soldier replaced the dead operator. They were unable to save her from a grenade that rolled under the minigun.

Two soldiers died from the explosion. The minigun was destroyed and the rest were unconscious or disoriented with a great ringing in their ears.

Reinforcements arrived from inside the hospital, and Fabio had already run to the car and ignited it. At full speed, he fled in a bright green rain from the soldiers' weapons in the hospital, on the ropes and on the ship.

If these weapons were more accurate they would have destroyed the car, but they destroyed the asphalt and the sidewalks of the streets, the buildings were potholed and in Fabio's car, they smashed the rear and made several holes, and if it weren't for his great resistance, he would have died from some shots that hit him.

When he was out of reach, the ship entered its invisible mode, no shadow or noise revealed its location.

The night had come. The car, because of the damage it received from the shots, was starting to have engine problems and to slow down. Fabio abandoned him and decided to walk, policemen appeared around a corner in front of him and he started to run the other way, but a police car cornered him from another corner.

He was surrounded by several police officers, from the military and civilian police. Everywhere, they had pistols, shotguns and rifles shouting, "Drop the gun" or "Lie on the floor." As they were trying to arrest him instead of killing him, he decided to cooperate.

The police found exotic the laser submachine gun and the alien grenades they confiscated. While some men risked putting handcuffs in Fabio's hands.

- Mr. Fabio Anchieta? - Said an officer with a cap and sunglasses after putting the handcuffs on.

- Who else do you think I am?! - He roared.

- One of the creatures you brought to Earth.

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