Chapter 1: A New Enemy

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So much time and you're still the same. - The female voice rang through Fabio's ears. They didn't sound like a good thing.

He woke up from fainting, a little disoriented and confused, had no idea how much time had passed. It was getting dark.

The Palmeiras-Barra station semi-destroyed, the trains derailed and there was plenty of blood everywhere. Seeing this scenario, Fabio felt a strong headache. Visions in flashes, entirely in yellow tones and with strong dark shadows, showed a destroyed city, bodies on the streets. Signs of genocide.

- What was this? - He spoke surprised, on his knees. The brutal silence, the city around the station seemed abandoned. It seemed that nothing was making any noise.

Got scared. Footsteps sound. The shadow of a woman admiring the sunset behind the debris that separated her from him. Slowly, he walked around the rubble and watched the shadow move. She was gone when he finished. He found her shadow behind a part of the collapsed roof, moving away from him.

- Hey! Wait! - He almost shouted. The sunlight disappeared on the horizon.

He didn't find it behind the roof. There was a sound. A door closed.

On the door, entry is allowed only for employees. In that situation, it seemed ridiculous to respect this sign, but he felt a sense of regret for disobeying it. He went downstairs to the basement. Several pipes in the walls lined with concrete, the weak lamps.

He followed the footsteps. He saw the woman's shadow turning to the right, accompanied by the sound of a gate closing. The hall was so quiet and silent, the rustling of the gate opening and closing was loud and frightening.

He opened the gate and went through it. He entered another corridor, narrower, dirty and the lights decreased with each step until they went out, his right hand sparked low voltage sparks in order to illuminate the front.

He heard the sound of a broken wheelchair turning in the hall.

- A wheelchair? What it does here? - The sound of footsteps guided him. - Hey! What is the problem? Stop! - He increased his pace. - I just want to talk ... Huh?

A table, with a sheet covering a human shape, stopped him. The sheet soaked with blood and flies flying around. Only then he realized the mistake he had made.

- You wanted to follow me. - The same female voice. The voice startled him and came from whom he followed.

He recovered the sparks that had stopped because of the shock and made his way back, suddenly someone grabbed his foot and made him fall.

Something came up on it. He withdrew from the top in horror and ran away without worrying about sparking.

- Are you afraid? Why did you come? - A thick, dark voice teased him in the darkness. He hit something and a machete pierced his belly. He took other stabs. Desperate, he released lightning.

A monster in the shape of a man, thin with abnormally gray skin, wearing torn clothes, with a third arm on his chest carrying a machete instead of a hand. Black and tousled hair. Eyes bulging and glazed. It was the only thing he saw in the light of the lightning before he fell. Several of this monster subdued him. In the light of the rays, these creatures cut him up and kicked him.

He let out a cry of pain, waking up on the seat of a train. He was breathing fast with fright and trying to locate himself.

- Finally awake. - He was even more startled and soon saw a woman watching him on a bench across the train. – What's it? It looks like you saw a ghost.

It's ... I just had a terrible nightmare. - Fabio replied getting up and sitting. - Where am I?

- At Marechal Deodoro station, past ten at night.

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