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okay sorry guys. i finished this chapter, but it got erased somehow, so i had to write it completely over.
ugh. 😒
but since im already almost finished with the next chapter it will be coming veeeerryyyyy soon. 💘😊

enjoy this babies.


I get in my car and close the door. The money on my credit card was slowly coming up short. My dancing career is great, but I need extra money for bills. Plus, I haven't been in the dance studio lately, so I'm broke.

I put my bags of things in the backseat. I had bought makeup, body wash and extra things for LA. I pullout of the Mall's parking lot and I text August saying im going home to pack.

After i'm packed, three suit cases full, I let August know. We are supposed to be leaving in two hours and I'm so damn ready to go. I'm still pissed at Alex. Maybe I was wrong though. Maybe I'm acting like I'm his when that's not true. We were just two horny adults.

I start to think back on the night we made love, my legs start to shake. Could he possibly just thought of me as another fuck?

I hear someone hunk their horn, and I look out my window. I see August waving at me. I pick up two of my suitcases and I take them to the car, then I take the other two. I lock up my place and I get in August's car, putting on my seatbelt.

"You ready T?" He asks.

"Yeap." I grin. I needed to get away from New York. Been here way too long. I need a week with no drama.

When we arrive at the airport, and we turn in our tickets and we get ready to get on the plane. After we get done they call for LA. We get our suitcases and we get on the plane. After we're settled, we sit in our assigned seats. Luckily, we are right next to each other. I relax in my seat.

"This is gonna be a long ride." I say, and he laughs.

"What if they sign me?! I'll be so damn happy." He says looking out the window.

"I'll be proud of you." I say, laying my head on the seat. I'm kinda tired from packing all day yesterday, and then getting up early as hell today. I try not to drift off to sleep because August is talking about what he would do if he got signed, but I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up, yawning. I look around and everyone on the plane is sleep. I look out the window and it looks like everyone is sleep. I check my phone. No messages.

I should of figured. I look over at August and he is in a deep sleep. I get a blanket from under my seat and I cover us up. I close my eyes and then I'm out.

"Attention flight 78, we have just arrived in LA."

August shakes me lightly and I get up, stretching.

"We're here." he smiles. I look out the window and see how sunny it is. I take off my jacket and wrap it around my waist. I'm so excited to be here. I know I'm going to have a good time.

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