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(a/n) guys. shit it's been a while. ive been busy as shiiittttt. i am so sorry. senior year is stressful! i got a car and ive been studying like crazy for my permit test. sorry again.

NUMB is coming back full force this year though. :)
god bless.

& tia on the right

"Mama, it was like... it was like I was having sex with a sex God. I'm so glad I lost my virginity to him." I say looking out my window dazing about that night that happened 5 days ago. My mom raises her eyebrow and sips her coffee.

"Mhh. Can't believe your first time having intercourse is with a damn man who gets paid for being with women. I'd expect you to be with a doctor or hell, atleast Ray!" She says.

I roll my eyes.

"That's my bestfriend." I say quickly. Then I think back on the night we almost had sex.

"Well. You're growing up honey. So next time, be careful. Did you guys use a rubber?"

My eyes go big. "Uh.."

"Tia! Have you lost your mind?!" My mom raises her voice, she shakes her head and pulls out a cigarette. "Lord,"

"I'm not pregnant ma." I say calmly, but on the inside I'm loosing my shit.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know, mom I'll be right back I'm going to the store to get some washing powder." I get up and kiss her on the cheek and I speed walk out the door. I put out my umbrella and walk to my car. I get in the car and I check my phone for any messages. Alex has not texted me since we had sex. I've been bummed about that. Plus, Ray and Jada are engaged.

A lot has been going on. I pull out of my parents driveway and I go to Walgreens. I get the washing powder and I go to the pregancy section. I pick up one and I sigh. Could I be pregnant? Thoughts cloud my mind of me and Alex actually raising a baby together? Could it happen? Would he still be messing around with other women?

I get three different pregancy tests and I go to the checkout. They ring up my items and I drive back home. I throw the tests in my back seat and I hand my mom the washing powder.

"Mama, what are you going to do today?" I ask her. 

"Get some work done around the house and get your daddy to take me to go see that new movie."

"Okay. I'm about to head out. See you later." We hug and I exit the house and drive home. I get home and grab the pregnancy tests from the back seat. I unlock my door and throw them on the couch. Is it too soon to take a test? I gather them and put them under my sink, and check for any messages. None.

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