Chapter 16: The Game

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It was still a creepy night, and a glowing crescent moon dangled from the pitch black sky. Mrs. and Mr. Hacheen lay in bed, their bloodshot eyes wide open. 

"What if they're dead?" Mrs. Hacheen whimpered, poking her husband. She knew he was still wide awake.

"Now, now, dear, they are not dead, I'm pretty sure," Mr. Hacheen muttered. He nearly choked on his saliva as he heard her words though.


Silence. There was a long and spooky silence that stayed in Slender Forest, after Braison clutched the note in her dry hands. She stuttered for a second, grasping onto the note firmly, eyes widened and in shock. She couldn't move. Shane watched her stay still, and for the first time ever, he made a quiet whimper as he lay onto her lap. Frowning, Braison shook her head.

"No, I must face him!" she insisted, hands in fists. Still shaking from her fright, Braison rose up from the ground. It was freezing, and a harsh wind blew around her on that dark and cold night.

"I'll play! I'm gonna KILL you Slender Man! I won't stop. I'm gonna stop you from harming others. And I'll be the hero. C'mon Shane!" Braison declared, crumbling the note into a ball and tossing it to a tree trunk.

Shane nodded as if he truly understood, and followed her as she took slow and careful steps. A twig snapped, which made Braison's jaw drop. Should she just stop and go back to sleep, or stay here?! It was so dark, Braison couldn't see a thing. She darted back to the spot where her brother and best friend were, grabbing a flashlight and her Bowie knife. Then she moved slowly again, taking light steps.  Deeper and deeper into the dark of the night Braison went, as silence filled the forest. Braison glanced around, her flashlight gleaming onto slender trees that towered over her. She shivered. She wanted to run home. She wanted to hug her parents. She wanted to be safe and snug in her bed, and not be here, in a cold and creepy forest where Slender Man was gonna get her. Tears began brimming in Braison's eyes, and she nearly collapsed onto the ground. Shane tugged on her leg, like he was warning her,

"Slender Man is near, go faster, FASTER!" 

Braison wiped her eyes, and struggled holding the flashlight in her hand. She sauntered slowly, gasping in air as she took each step. Leaves crunched under Braison's feet as she moved, and was it her, or was the flashlight's light going dim? She squinted her eyes as she spotted a plain brick building that looked kind of old.

"Maybe he's in there..." Braison mumbled quietly, snatching the knife from her pocket. Her green eyes shone in the night as she walked into the building. It was a one-story building, that was long as five Slender Mans together, but full of dead ends and hallways that went on and on. There was like, nothing in the building. Braison shined the flashlight on the floor. The floor was made of old white tiles, that had some paint scraped off it. Shane picked at the paint with his large paws, ears perking up to hear noise. Braison knew dogs had good senses, and she watched as Shane's face grew darker in the bulilding. Was he near? 

"Darn it, I'm supposed to be collecting notes! THAT'S what'll get him near me where I can kill him!" Braison suddenly whispered to herself. She hadn't collected ANY at all. She was just wondering around. Braison found herself in a dead end, in a teeny space. A wooden chair leaned against the small space's wall. She noticed a note posted on the wall. It read HE WATCHES WITH NO EYES ⓍⓍ

"Perfect..just perfect," Braison told Shane quietly. At first, she was thrilled to go and hunt down Slender Man, but now, Braison wasn't sure if she should keep going...she forgot that if she saw him, she'd have a BIG chance of facing death. That's how come Braison felt her body chill up. Her eyes grew wide, and her fear grew even wider. She was obviously scared.

"OK, OK, Shane, uhh, mmm...let's head back, let's head back to Catalina and Gunner," Braison stammered to Shane, a lump caught in her throat. "Uh, is he, uh,  behind me?" 

Shane gulped, and used his hearing sense to hear any sounds of Slender Man. Then, Shane looked up at Braison and shook his head quickly. Braison sighed of relief. She slowly spun herself around, facing more darkness, which made her shiver. Braison began pacing fast, out of the building, and out into the forest. No bright stars filled the sky anymore, and the moon had vanished. Braison was lost. She didn't know where the heck to go, since it was too deep and dark in the forest. And she was afraid Slender Man would bump into her. 

"You, uhh, err, know what Shane? We can't stop Slender Man. Tomorrow, we're heading home. " Braison said softly. "If there is a tomorrow..." She kept walking and ignored the notes clung onto some trees. She didn't want to play anymore. She just wanted to be with her friend and brother, away from Slender Man. But Shane heard some noises as he walked wearily, feeling exhausted like Braison. The two kept walking, and past an old maroon truck. A note was posted on the truck's dirty window. Again, Braison ignored it.

"Stupid note," Braison chuckled, tearing the note apart. When she ripped the note off the window, on the other side of the truck, she saw something. She saw a white and blank face.

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