Chapter 29: Something New

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The evening approached. Nighttime would be lurking around in perhaps an hour or so. The Hacheen house was soundless. Melancholy lingered in the stale air. But that's what the household was always like now. Braison glanced over at the round clock on the wall; she'd have to be leaving soon. Being steadfast, Braison glued her eyes on her laptop and typed rapidly. She was so caught up into Slender Man and what he had done. The images of him never left her mind and it was making her senseless of the life around her.

A news article Braison found online revealed a beautiful park with virbrant colors. Oakside Park. There had been a burnt corpse of a young man and the corpse of a teenage girl found there. Their names were CR and Lauren, and there was little information about how they died or what had went on before their brutal deaths.

There was skeptical information about who murdered the two people. Braison leaned forward her laptop when she saw the name 'Slender Man' in the article. Just what I'm looking for! she thought. Braison read the words in front of her in her head: 'There are anonymous citizens suspecting that the unknown creature, Slender Man is responsible for these victims deaths. Some say that Slender Man's proxies may have murdered them.'

When Braison skimmed on, she saw the quotes of unspecified people saying that all the proxy and Slender Man stuff was fiction and 100% wrong. They suspected others that killed the victims in Oakside Park, not "unreal" creatures. Braison rolled her eyes; obviously, she agreed with those who were suspecting Slender Man. Unfortunately, Braison didn't know much about these murders in Oakside Park. She had just found out about Oakside Park. All of this info made her more willing to hunt down Slender Man though. Braison decided to go to Oakside Park tonight instead of Slender Forest. She was curious about that area. Deep inside, Braison felt as if there was something extremely incredible, extremely shocking, and extremely fascinating at the Oakside Park, waiting for her to enter a world of obscurities. Maybe there was something more at Oakside Park than Slender Forest. She simply had to find out. It couldn't be left alone.


At last, the rigid and mysterious night came. Braison shrugged into her buttoned trench coat, put on her wedged boots, and blew wisps of hair out of her face. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She noticed how...different she looked. She knew something had changed and she wasn't the same. Braison's face had grown more dour and more timeworn. Angrily, Braison jerked away from her mirror and took big breaths. She strided past her parents, who were speaking softly in the living room. As usual, they paid no attention to her, not bothering to ask where she was going at this time of the day. Braison grabbed her Dad's car keys, went outside, hopped into her Dad's car, and turned on the GPS. She had gotten the Oakside Park address online. After the address was in the GPS, Braison pulled out of the driveway, and drove off into the night.


Braison wearily drove on an endless and bumpy road, then pulled over to a huge, wooded area when the GPS automatically told her "You have reached your destination." Deliberately, Braison climbed out of the car and closed the door. In front of her were trees, scattered around the large and isolated land. The wind howled loudly, dispersing leaves all around. Braison shivered, trying to hide her fear. She wandered into the park, and headed toward a board with the map of Oakside Park on it. Braison leaped back when she noticed the shoddy drawing of Slender Man on the board. Her heart nearly burst and her eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets. She placed a hand on her chest, teeth chattering and mind overflowing with gruesome thoughts of Slender Man, then Gunner. Braison angrily shook her head to wipe the thoughts away. Come on, no dawdling around! I've got to move! Braison thought to herself with fury. She saw a structure on the map that lay on the outskirts of the park. Kullman Mine. In the online article, it was said that that was where Lauren's body was found.

Braison examined the map for one final moment and ran deeper into the remote park. Even though she had an idea of what goal she wanted to accomplish (hunt down Slender Man), she had no idea what lay ahead of her was more grisly than anything she'd ever seen before.

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