Chapter 12: Into The Forest

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The friends all trooped inside the forest.

"Mom and Dad are probably wondering where we are!" Gunner breathed, glancing around the forest. He thought it was getting darker and darker around here.

Braison was busy struggling to carry her bags like Catalina to hear what Gunner was saying. Braison felt a little guilt in her body, and her mind whispering Go back, go back! But Braison shook her head, gulping as she took more steps, getting deeper into the forest. She felt her feet snap branches and crunch on leaves, which were dripping with dew. Catalina watched the sky above her. Stars were beginning to appear, glowing like night lights. But she shivered when long, skinny branches of trees poked her. For a second, she thought it was Slender Man.

"Look, the Big Dipper!" Catalina said, gazing at the constellation in the sky. "It's pointing to the Northern Star!"

"Cool. Interesting. Whatever," Braison muttered. They continued walking for minutes and minutes, until Gunner set his bags down.

"CAN WE STOP???" he pleaded, plopping down onto the ground. 

Braison sighed. The night wasn't young anymore, so she decided to do what Gunner said. Catalina  panted, and leaned against a tree.

"No sign of Slender Man yet," Braison mumbled, yawning. "Let's sleep." They all grabbed blankets from their bags, and fell into a deep sleep. What they didn't notice was a Slender Man note posted on a tree, saying NO NO NO NO NO NO, was nearby...


"THEY'RE GONE, OH LORD, THEY'RE GONE!!" Mrs. Hacheen screeched gripping her husband's hand fiercely. "Where in the world could Braison and Gunner be?!" She was gnawing on her thumbnail, and sobbing. Mr. Hacheen was upset too, but he didn't want to cry.

"I'll call the police!" Mr. Hacheen volunteered, biting his lip.

"And the FBI, and the Marines, and 911, and a detective, and--" Mrs. Hacheen sniffled.

"Whoa there, dear! We just need the police! I'll call the FBI tomorrow, okay?" Mr. Hacheen assured his wife. "Just calm down, don't go crazy."

Mrs. Hacheen nodded, and buried her face into a tissue.

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