Chapter 4: An Argument

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Braison and Gunner trudged back home, and into the kitchen. Mrs. and Mr. Hacheen, their parents, were sitting at the table, arms crossed. Mrs. Hacheen had her dark hair flying all over the place, and her nose was pointed like a witch. She looked like she was going to strangle something. Mr. Hacheen did not look pleased as well. He had his bright brown hair in a tangled mess, and his eyes had bags under them. 
"Braison Bridgette Hacheen, we are very disappointed and angry with you," Mrs. Hacheen said wearily. She almost burst like a firework, but stopped herself from exploding or else she would have grown more stressed. Braison hoped they would continue eating their breakfast. But no, they continued speaking. 
"Braison, the world is dangerous these days. You could die in the forest," Mr. Hacheen explained, dumping syrup all over his pancakes. Braison was furious at his words as she chowed down a granola bar. That was one of the most dumbest things she ever heard. Tons of people go in the forest and they don't die! Braison thought angrily. Just because Dad's sister died in the forest, it doesn't mean I'll die!

"PLEASE, just stop it!" Braison hollered, her loud voice vibrating in her parents' ears.

She didn't want to hear her parents' voices anymore. She wished a huge rock fell on her and would crush her. She actually even crossed her fingers for that, hoping a huge rock would actually fall on her at the moment. Mrs. Hacheen nearly fainted, and her eyebrows furrowed at Braison's anger. Braison was usually polite with her parents. Mrs. Hacheen shot up from her seat. Gunner backed away with his bowl of Wheaties cereal. 

"That is it, Braison, that is IT!!!! No more yelling, we want you safe, that's all. Is that bad?!" Mrs. Hacheen shrilled, slamming her fist down the table. Braison turned flaming red. 
"You're just trying to ruin my life,  you guys are stupid! Why can't you just understand me?!" Braison shouted, her eyes brimming with tears. "Don't you love me?! Don't you want me to be happy?" Her voice was breaking. 
"Do NOT call us stupid, young lady, use your manners and respect us!' Mr. Hacheen growled, shaking his head in disgust. Braison couldn't help it. She let all the heavy tears stream down her face, not being able to hold it in any longer. She was crying. Braison couldn't hide her tears. 
"I HATE YOU!" Braison screamed. She stomped into her room, and let shut the door with a slam.

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