Chapter 25: All His Fault

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The FBI were looking much harder into the case of Slender Man, and the medical examiners observed Gunner's body. Day after day, everything got more puzzling. Questions kept being asked, but there were no answers. On a Friday, Braison was still depressed. If Gunner were alive, she would be glad it was the weekend. But she thought there wasn't a right to be happy when someone you loved had died a few days ago. When Braison walked home from school, she felt free. At this moment, she hated school more than ever. The morning Braison had walked in her school, no one said a 'sorry' to her. Not a single word was spoken to her. Even Braison's teachers didn't say sorry. Everyone just gave nervous glances at Braison, then turned away. It felt horrible to be ignored. So when Braison reached her home, she lounged  on her bed. Her parents had stayed home for the whole entire day from work. During dinner, their bosses called and said that they could take a week off if they'd like to. They said yes to that of course. When Mr. Hacheen was about to put the phone down, it instantly rang again. Frowning as he eyed the number, Mr. Hacheen answered the call.

"Hello. Is this Jack?" he asked gravely. Braison noticed how much quiet and dull her father's voice had gotten lately.

"Yes, this is Jack here. I have something to say," Jack said seriously. "Well, we can't figure out who killed all these people in Slender Forest and why. This is becoming a cold case. Again."

"I see," Mr. Hacheen said shortly, sighing heavily. He wanted to know who had killed his son and make the murderer pay.

"We're gonna bring Gunner's body back so your family can plan a funeral," Jack added. A soft 'okay' was Mr. Hacheen's reply. After that, Jack hung up. Mr. Hacheen told his wife and daughter everything. Mrs. Hacheen bit her lip at the word 'funeral'. She didn't know if she could do this. Braison didn't know too. But she tried to stay strong, and gently squeezed her mother. Tears began to start again. Why did Slender Man have to do this? Why was he ruining everything?

Suddenly, the feeling of sadness was pushed away from Braison. Instead, she felt herself heating up a little, like a flame that was just lit up. Anger was forming. And this anger was for Slender Man. Braison put her hand into a fist, and her eyes narrowed at the thought of him. She just couldn't let him kill anyone else. But Braison knew she couldn't stop him. He was so strong. Even though he didn't look like he was strong, he was. Braison could imagine him stalking. He would constantly watch a family for days. And she could imagine him killing, with his arms stretching a ton of feet out, and whipping the air that grew cold.

Victims were never fearless when Slender Man arrived to them. His height was so tall that he seemed like the king or pharaoh in an ancient Egyptian drawing. In ancient Egyptian drawings, kings or pharaohs towered over everyone, showing that they had power over everyone. Slender Man was just like that. He had lots of power, and no one could have the courage or strength to take it away from him. 

After dinner, Braison went to her bedroom and lay down on her bed again. She closed her eyes and fell asleep a couple of minutes later. She also dreamed. This dream was pleasant...for a moment. She dreamt of her family strolling through a meadow, with the sun shining down on the flowers and their faces. Her family looked so joyful. It was great to see them like this, because in reality, Braison's family was a group of sad people. All of a sudden in Braison's dream, Slender Man came crashing out of no where. The sky that was once blue grew darker, and the sun completely vanished. Even though Slender Man had no expression,  Braison knew he was amused at the rest of Braison's family, who screamed and cried. Slender Man then attacked Braison's family, and when he had killed them, their bloody bodies hung from skinny tree branches, just like the ones found in Slender Forest.

Just as Slender Man came charging toward Braison, Braison woke up and her eyes immediately unsealed. She took deep breaths, and panted as if she just ran for miles. Braison had had so many bad thoughts and dreams ever since Gunner died. And it was all Slender Man's fault.

"This is all your fault," Braison whispered out loud, hoping Slender Man could hear her.

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