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So, is this a happy ending? Not exactly...to Braison, probably, but not to the other tons of victims next in line for Slender Man.

Braison Hacheen and her parents moved to a new town. It was small, but had a friendly community. Braison's parents spent time with her when they could and showed their daughter how much they loved her, no longer isolating her or worrying about creatures. Braison made lots of friends at her new school, and they marveled at her intelligence on horror movies and love for Stephen King books.

Braison kept Gunner in her heart of course, but she didn't let the thought of her brother's death take over her life. After all, you had to move on. A photo of Braison and Gunner grinning together was kept in Braison's school locker. Once in a while, the Hacheen family even laughed at the jokes Gunner used to make. Braison would always love her silly little brother.

Shane (the German Shepard) was still a great dog, as usual. Braison knew that she'd love him forever and played with him whenever she could.

Catalina Goodwiller, on the other hand, stayed in town and never moved to where Braison had moved. Although that was true, they still chatted on the phone and communicated quite often online. Their friendship was still strong. Catalina would also never let the memories of Slender Man get her.

Libby and Joe stayed in Slender Forest, saying "We're never leaving this place. We've been here together since a very long time." The couple was going to have another child real soon, despite losing their first child Penny from Slender Man. They were taking the chance and promised to protect the child. The name is undecided for the baby at the moment, but Libby and Joe told Braison that she could name the child for them. Braison visits the couple here and there.

The case of who harmed Braison went cold. No one in that town ever knew what had occured. Jack, Ken, Lola, Donny, and Josh continued working on other cases together. Jack, of course, tried not to yell at his other teammates too much.

Later, while Braison Hacheen was enjoying her happy ending, a family moved into the Hacheens' old house in front of Slender Forest. The family consisted of a hardworking father, a sweet mother, a mischievous little boy, and a shy little girl. One day, the family spent time in the backyard. They stared at the skinny trees in front of them. The mother and father read books in comfy chairs as their children frolicked around the grass, giggling and playing. At one point, the children eyed the trees of Slender Forest carefully, curious what it beheld. While the parents read their books, not paying attention, their children tip-toed toward the woods. Behind a lanky tree a few feet away from the children stood a creature. It wore a clean suit and its face had no emotion but was painted white. It was a tall, strange, horrifying creature. It was watching. SLENDER MAN.


                                           The end (or is it?)

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