Chapter 5: A Mysterious Note

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On Monday after a bad weekend, Braison woke up early, even before her alarm clock rang. She blinked a couple of times, then sat up slowly, like Frankenstein coming to life. When Braison looked outside, her face drooped. It was raining hard. Puddles of rain were everywhere outside, and the sky was gray and gloomy. Braison hated rainy days. They made her feel down, depressed. She threw on a hoodie, pale blue jeans, and Converse sneakers. Braison sauntered to the kitchen. She peeked into her parents' room. Her mom was sleeping, letting out noisy snores. Her dad wasn't there. He must've left for work. Braison stepped into the kitchen. Gunner was sitting in a chair, with his hood over his head. 

"What are you doing up kind of early?" Braison asked curiously. He usually got up a little later. Gunner hesitated. Braison raised an eyebrow. Finally, Gunner let out words. 

"I found this on my bedroom window..." he said. "I think it might be from Slender Man..." His voice was wavering as he held out a damp paper. On it were the words, DON'T LOOK OR IT TAKES YOU. Braison also noticed a drawing of something on the note. What was that? A symbol? She rolled her eyes as she sat down a chair. Why were there lots of crazy people out there who believed in unreal myths like Slender Man? She thought it was pretty stupid. 

"Ignore it, and eat some breakfast," Braison suggested, shrugging. She handed him the note back.

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