Chapter 17: You Better Run

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The FBI workers frowned as they slumped in their seats, thinking hard. Where could the missing girl be?

"Well, the kidnapper didn't leave any clues for us everywhere we checked, and the parents really aren't helping that much," the FBI agent Josh muttered, shaking his head. He rubbed his eyes, which looked bright red as a demon's.

"Hmmph. For some reason, something keeps telling me we should go back to Slender Forest. I swear I heard the voices of children, and kind of saw them too," Donny said, scratching the stubble on his stretched chin. He shrugged.

"Okay, tomorrow, I'm gonna question the parents again," the boss named Jack decided firmly."You two search Slender Forest again. I've got some other agents who are tracking down mysterious kidnappers that are good at hiding information and clues." He stomped off, furious about how messed up this situation was getting.


"AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Braison screeched as a stab of horror struck her. She couldn't feel her legs, her throat went dry, her voice went weak, and her breath was about to disappear into the cold air.

Shane began barking wildly, and rushed off into a different direction as Slender Man's face vanished, and he appeared behind a tree. Braison began crying, her cheeks stained with the bitter tears. Her legs wobbled, useless like brittle twigs. She collapsed onto the ground, gulps and shrieks escaping from her mouth. Braison sniffed and wiped her cheeks, which just spread more tears around it. Her throat was sore and dying for a sip of fresh water. She wished she could get out of her. She heard Shane's faint barking in the distance. It was getting closer, closer, and Shane appeared by her side, daring not to look up. He just knew that Slender Man was standing a  few feet behind them, away from the trees.

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me," Braison whispered hoarsely, coughing. She only heard the sounds of heavy and creepy breathing reply to her. She knew she shouldn't look, or else he might kill her for good.

Braison took a couple of deep breaths, and rose up, wondering what time it was. After a moment of confusion, she took off. She sped deeper into the forest, not looking behind. Her panting was making Shane, who ran by her side, worried. The cold wind rushed past her, leaving her hair flowing behind her. She shivered, and bit her lip. Braison had chattering teeth now, and her body was aching with each step. Her mind was growing crazy, and thinking about how maybe Slender Man was behind them. Without knowing there was tree branch on the ground, Braison tripped over it, her weak body slamming onto a pile of wet leaves. This time, she stayed there and did not cry or move. Shane began howling like a wolf, his beady black eyes shiny with little tears. He knew she was giving up, and there was no choice. He laid beside her, placing himself under her chest. Shane whimpered as he lay there, watching Braison, who was motionless. Her eyes were sealed tightly, and her body was frozen like ice. She wasn't warm a single bit. So Braison and Shane lay there, both of them knowing this was the end.

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