Chapter 13: Notes

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Sunlight streamed throughout the forest and a minty leaf that fell on Braison's nose woke her up. She yawned, and smiled as she watched the sun appear in the beautiful sky. It was funny how it seemed nicer today. Catalina and Gunner stretched, and Gunner moaned.

"Why do we HAVE to find Slender Man? He'll kill us all!" Gunner complained, rolling his eyes.

"Don't be a baby. I ain't giving up until I give Slender Man a taste of his own medicine!" Braison declared firmly. She stood up, and brushed her greasy brown hair.

"Can I borrow your hair brush?" Catalina asked. Braison covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Catalina's perfect blond hair was a tangled mess now!

"Oh, bosh, just give me the hair brush!" Catalina growled, as she snatched the hair brush from Braison's hand. Her eyes narrowed. Clearly, Catalina was not her happy self these days...'cause of Zeke's death.

"Hey, guys, check it out!" Gunner gasped, catching his breath. He fingered at the tree behind them. 

"A note! Looks like a Slender Man note!" Catalina cried, examining the wrinkled paper with strange drawings and writing on it. It read, DON'T TURN AROUND OR  HE TAKES YOU. They all knew the creature was near!

"But he doesn't come out in the morning, so that's good!" Braison said, relieved. But she realized at night, they'd have to face Slender Man. Whatever, I gotta save everyone from Slender Man. Maybe it might impress people too! Braison thought eagerly, grinning. 

"What are you smiling at? We gotta move," Catalina muttered, dragging her bags across the forest floor. Leaves rustled and picked at their bags as they moved deeper into the forest. Gunner was pale, because he spotted more notes, posted on some of the skinny trees.

"We are so screwed when it's nighttime," Gunner sighed.


"We haven't seem them anywhere m'am, and sir," an FBI agent named Donny told Braison's parents, shaking his head. They were at an BAU station, in a small room. Braison's parents were impressed how the agents seemed so wide awake more than the policemen, but of course, they were worried about their children!

"You checked everywhere? School, parks, playgrounds, their friends' neighborhoods we told you, and the mall?" Mrs. Hacheen questioned, shaking. She was about to faint.

"Yes, m'am. No sign of 'em. I have a question though. Where else might your children go? Do they go in any strange places?" Donny asked curiously, sitting tall in his seat. The parents thought for a moment.

"Well, our daughter usually goes to...Slender Forest. Slender Forest! You HAVE to check there!" Mr. Hacheen exclaimed, his hopes raising. 

"Great, we will. But answer a few more questions for us after I use the bathroom," Donny said, rising from his chair. He left the room, while the parents prayed.


"More notes! More and more notes! Glob, he's gonna get us at night!" Catalina squeaked, as they strolled through the forest, glancing at the notes everywhere. "Hey, what time is it?" 

"About 12:00," Braison replied, eyeing her watch. "Crud, we'll run out of batteries on our phones and watches soon. Darn!" 

"Yeah, there's no plug in thingy anywhere! Stupid woods!" Catalina grouched, gulping as she saw that her IPhone battery percentage was 11%. 

"We have to eat!!! I'm hungry!" Gunner yelped. Braison pulled out some sandwiches she found from her bag. How were they going to find food for later? Yikes, there were so many things to think about when you were planning to survive in the forest while trying to hunt down a dangerous creature.

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