Chapter 23: The Letter

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Imagine sleeping in Slender Forest at night. It would be frightening with Slender Man lurking around, and the darkness nearly swallowing you. But once you wake up in the morning, everything is magical. The sun is gleaming onto the forest, and giving it warmth. Every part of Slender Forest forest is bright. The plants bathe in sunlight, and animals seem as if they're full of triumph. Morning was the best time of the day in Slender Forest. That's why when Braison woke up, she was pleased to see such a beautiful morning. Braison stretched out her arms wide and let out a yawn. She could sleep forever. But Braison knew that she had to eat. She was hungry. She totally forgot about food. I'll go to Libby and Joe's, Braison thought, rubbing her chin. She put her blanket aside, and her eyes widened. Gunner. He would usually be pretty loud in the morning. Where was he? He definitely wasn't here now. She couldn't even hear his loud breathing when he was sleeping. And under his blanket was nothing. Braison flinched as she thought about the arguement from the other night with him. She felt sorrowful now. Braison wrapped her arms around herself, to comfort her. It didn't seem to help. All I do is make my family angry, and they get angry at me, she pondered sadly. Braison almost squealed when she spotted a note placed nearby on the floor. She snatched the note and read it. It was difficult to read with the messy letters squished together, but she could read it. It said:


I'm writing this really late at night. You probably just woke up now that it's probably morning, and you probably had a heart attack. I decided to go to Libby and Joe's. Oh, and sorry about that stupid argument...well, anyway, just come over to Libby and Joe's now.


Braison was so relieved that a smile which seemed to last forever appeared on her face. She got up and climbed down the tree house's old ladder. Then, Braison paced through the peaceful forest. She loved hearing the birds singing as they soared through the fresh air. It was such a sweet harmony. At this point, Braison thought everything was going to be okay. Nothing was going to go wrong. It was going to be a great day maybe. As Braison strolled along the forest's large path, something made her nose wrinkle for a moment. She smelled something...and it wasn't a good smell like a fresh vanilla candle or cookies baking in a warm oven. The odor was very unpleasant. Braison sniffed the air. If Shane were here, he could probably sniff out where the smell was coming from. Braison held her hand on her forehead as the sun blinded her eyes. She moved slowly around in a circle, gulping. Next, Braison looked down to the ground. She looked up after. And the sight she saw wasn't pretty.


The FBI were tired. 

"This is a tough case to crack," Jack grumbled, clicking his pen furiously. Lola put a hand on his shoulder, and told him to calm down. Jack grimaced at Lola when she said those words.

"Calm down? How? We should be getting these missing children," Jack moaned, setting his pen down for a second. "Why can't we find them?! Oh, and we found several people last night, bleeding to death, remember?  'The Case Of The Mystery Killer' is back as well!"

"Well, half of us could work on the missing children and the other half could work on the mystery killer thing," Lola suggested, shrugging. "Maybe that could work and then we could finally work on another case." Jack eyed Lola for a moment, thinking about her idea.

"Okay, okay, I guess that could work," Jack murmured. "Go tell everyone else now." Lola did as she was told.


Catalina was sprawled on her couch, texting her friends. She really missed Braison, whatever she was doing now. When your friend isn't with you, you feel bored to death. Catalina put her phone down. She decided to visit Slender Forest to see Braison. Besides, it was morning. Slender Man wouldn't be out at this time.

"Mom, I'm taking a walk," Catalina said, poking her head into the kitchen as her mom chopped carrots.

"Okay, bye. Love you," Mrs. Goodwiller called, as Catalina flung the door open. Mrs. Goodwiller didn't even bother asking where Catalina was going. And Catalina was glad that she didn't  ask. She eagerly sprinted to Slender Forest. It was good knowing that she was going to see her friend.


Meanwhile,  Braison was looking at what was above her. She noticed a person hanging on a tree branch. They weren't moving at all. That scared Braison. Did Slender Man really have to keep killing? Of course, he's a killer! Braison responded in her thoughts.

She fearlessly climbed up the tree, persistently moving, which was hard because the tree she was climbing on grew to be one of those thick trees. Gasping for a breath of air, Braison finally reached the tree branch the person was on. Her heart was pounding hard, and the oxygen she sucked in escaped from her mouth. She almost fell off the tree, too startled to do anything. This person seemed small. They were turned, so Braison faced their back. Shivering with fright, Braison sluggishly turned the body the other way around. Never had she'd seen someone look so disgusting. This human being was obviously dead. He or she had so much blood smudged around his or her face, around his or her injured and dry hands. It was disgusting. The blood made Braison wanted to faint. Gore was stained on this person's clothes too, leaving a stench. Braison placed her hand on her mouth when she saw a hole in the stomach, which seemed filthy, and torn open with the skin around the hole starting to rotten. Inside the hole, it seemed kind of...empty. The big question was where all the contents of the stomach were. Braison felt disgusted and sorrowful all at the same time. She squinted closely at the face. Then, after she pulled gloves on her hands, she wiped most of the blood off the corpse's face with her napkin.

Everything fell apart after that.

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