Arya River Lupin

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Hey guys! I hope everyone enjoyed the book and thank you all so much for your amazing votes and comments! :) They honestly make my day <3 Just Like to let everyone know that the story is undergoing editing, and I'm reading over it. Some of it is so bad! 😂 Oh dear.. Also, if anyone liked this I have another Marauders Era Sirius Black story being written, it's called "chasing dreams" so check that out! And if anyone likes Game of Thrones or The Hobbit, I have one of each of them too. Look at my works! Also, do you guys think this was realistic? As in, the marauders would have talked and acted like that? I hope it's believable.. Anyway, I was thinking about doing a sequel because of all the comments I got about it! What do you think? Would you rather it was in sixth year or during the Order of the Phoenix year? When they're all grown up. Please let me know!!

The Problem with Being the Werewolf's Sister (Marauder Harry Potter Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora