Chapter 28: Again

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A/N: Hey! So sorry I didn't update for a while, I had no wifi, but I do now! Any was hopefully you're enjoying this so far, I've really started to like writing it!:) And if it's okay with you, I'm dedicating this chapter to cobalt, because tie voted for my story! Thank you very very very much! It made me whole year! All votes and comments do. Thank again! And enjoy! <3

January passes by in a flash, with nothing but Quidditch practice, work, and general nothing. Walking down the corridor, I sigh quietly to myself, thinking about OWL's. I'm so stuck in my daydream that I don't notice the slight step up, and fall flat on my face. I swear under my breath, picking up my books that fell. "Here, let me help." A voice says, and I look up and lock eyes with the boy from the lake and the owlery. Sebastian. "I don't need you're help." I say shortly, and he grins. "Okay, okay. So.. Were were you headed?" "The library." "I'll walk you?" He asks slowly, and I raise my eyebrows. "Why do you always seem to just appear, when I don't even know you?" I ask him. He shrugs, taking my books. Snatching them back, I narrow my eyes at him. "So, how do you feel about Hogsmeade trips?" He asks. "Fun, I suppose." I shrug. "Yeah." He says quietly, his voice thoughtful. "Would you.. Maybe like to go with me?" "Oh sure." I snap sarcastically. "I always go off with creepy sixth years I know nothing about, why not you?" Sebastian laughs, holding the door open for me. "So no?" "No." I say, walking past him. He heads in a different direction, waving slightly. What a tosspot. Pulling out a book, I hear two familiar voices a few aisles down. I walk down, frowning. "River?" James asks from down the aisle. "What are you two doing here?" I ask him and Sirius. "Nothing." Sirius slams his book shut. "Wouldn't have expected to find you here. I'm surprised you can even manage to read half this stuff." I smirk. "Hey! For you're information, Prongs and I were revising for our OWL's. I'm guaranteed an O in transfiguration."he says arrogantly. "Sirius, you're so full of yourself." I say as I roll my eyes. He shrugs, putting the book back. "Oh I have to go!" James says suddenly, standing up and bolting for the door. "Where's he off to?" I ask, sitting down beside Sirius. "Detention." Sirius grins. "Without you?" I gasp I'm fake shock. "Yeah, he managed to do that one all by himself." Sirius says with raised eyebrows. "So what book were you looking at?" I ask, running my fingers up and down the spines of the leather books. "Nothing in particular." He shrugs. "Really?" I raise my eyebrows, taking down the book he had. "How do you know it's that one?" He asks me. "I saw you putting it back. What would you want with this book anyway?" It's a transfiguration book. "Revising." He tells me. "No way, Sirius! Don't lie. What were you doing?" I ask him. "Okay, fine!" He sighs. "I'll tell you later." I nod slowly, opening the page he had marked. "Animagus?" I ask him quietly. He nods, looking solemn. "Is this about Remus?" I whisper, and he nods again. "You know Sirius, I really really appreciate the help you give him. He does too, but I just wanted to let you know." "I know you appreciate it River." Sirius says, then suddenly leans forward. "Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea." Drums in my head but I lean forward all the same, kissing Sirius. Again.

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