Chapter 51: Epilogue- One Last Time

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"I can't believe the NEWT's are finally over!" Lily sighs, flopping down by the lake in the sunshine. "I can't believe Sirius and River are still together, two years later." James laughs, holding Lily's hand. Sirius gives him a shove. "Hey! I don't get what you see in him, Lily." He tells Lily, who smiles and kisses James cheek. James blushes a light red and looks at Lily. "It's true, no offence Lil. Dumbledore really did a good job of setting you two up." I smile at her. She rolls her eyes and smiles at Remus and Peter, who are sitting down. "Seriously, though.. This is the end of seventh year. We're never coming back." I say sadly, and everyone stops for a minute, reflecting. "No more pranking the Slytherin's." James says quietly. "Or detentions from McGonagal." Sirius sighs. "Or waking River up." Lily grins at me. "Or sneaking to the kitchens." Peter says. "Or calling Moony a nerd." Sirius laughs. "Or cheating in tests." Remus says back to him. "Or sitting under this tree." I say, and the five of them are silent. "Yeah.. No more Hogwarts." Remus says quietly. "C'mon!" Sirius says suddenly. "Where are we going?" Lily asks him as he pulls me up. "Were going to go paddling in the lake. And the were going to prank the Slytherins. And then go to the kitchens, and annoy McGonagal, and Remus can put his books back in the library. And then we can all throw a huge party in the common room! We can do all the things we want to do, one more time before we leave." He says excitedly, and I smile widely. "That's an amazing idea!" James says, his eyes shining. "Agreed." Remus says, pulling Peter up. "Well then c'mon, let's go." Sirius smiles, and they hurry away. I power walk after them, but a hand pulls me back. "NEWT's go okay?" Robert asks, smiling at me. Robert has become one of my closest friends after sixth year, once he stopped appearing randomly and being strange. "Yeah, well enough." I smile at him. "You?" "Great." He smiles. "By the way, Sebastian told me to say hi." I nod slowly. Sebastian, I haven't seen in ages, he left school in the middle of sixth year, but he keeps in contact with Robert. "He still loves you, y'know." Robert smiles, falling into step with me. "Does he?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah.." Robert says uncomfortably. "River!" Sirius calls loudly, jogging back towards us. He gives Robert a look, and Robert returns it with a glare. Those two never got on, even when me and Robert became friends. "Look, I have to go, but I'll see you later." I smile at Robert, hugging him quickly goodbye. "So.. Pranking the Slytherins?" I ask him, smirking. "Yeah. C'mon, Sneak, we need you're help!" He says, draping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. I laugh and put my head on his shoulder, thinking about everything that's happened since I started in fifth year. "So.. Off we go? One last time?" He asks me. "One last time." I smile.

A/N: GOOD MORNING VIETNAM! Sorry. Anyway, that wraps up my last chapter of the The Werewolf's Sister. I know it wasn't the most exciting, but all the same, I had fun writing it. Thank you all so so so so much for voting and commenting, and even takin the time to read my story! I seriously hope you all enjoyed if:) I have two other Marauder fanfiction being written currently- Chasing Dreams and Chancing It. They're written slightly better than this one.. Anyways, I liked writing the epilogue, but I always get upset thinking about the Marauders last few days at Hogwarts, knowing everything pretty much goes downhill from there.. So anyway, thank you so much to all of you amazing people, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have a happy life! Really, I do! Bye <3

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