Chapter 44: OWL's finish

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The rest of the OWL's finish quickly, with me talking to Lily, chatting with Regulus and walking around the grounds with Remus. I was walking around with Remus on a sunny day, enjoying the near summer sunshine, when James and Sirius come towards us, laughing. Peter follows behind, tittering. My heart beats faster every time I see Sirius recently, and I can't help but blush when he meets my brown eyes. "Moony! Old buddy!" Sirius says happily. "Are you drunk?" Remus asks him, raising an eyebrow. "Pfft no!" Sirius laughs, and James grins. "Nah, but we did just get let off detention." "Why?" "I dunno, I suppose McGonnagal just couldn't resist my wit and charm and amazing good looks." I roll my eyes and sigh quietly. "Yeah sure, Padfoot. Like all the rest of the girls in our school." Remus says sarcastically. "Well, apart from one." Sirius says mischievously, and my eyes lift slightly, meeting his deep, grey blue eyes. "Sirius, I think that's enough." Remus says sternly. Sirius grins and looks at James. "Oh wait, two! Two girls who can resist my charm and wit and incredible hair. Evans and you." He says, nodding towards me. I raise my eyebrows. "Gee, I wonder why." I say sarcastically. Sirius grins broadly, and I resist the urge to slap his smug face. "I'll see ya later, Remus. Bye James, bye Peter." I say pointedly, waving my fingers and walking away. I took a detour on my way to the castle, shifting quietly into my animagus form and padding through the woods. I stop for a minute, breathing in the clearing. The sun is setting, and the forest is bright and clear and fresh. I quickly change back into human form and sigh happily. Sitting under the shade of a tree, my mind wanders to Sirius and his comment earlier. I miss him, I really do. Shit shit shit shit shit. I'm not supposed to miss him, really, but I can't exactly help it. I miss how funny he was, and how much fun we had. And I miss the way we kissed. In the woods, and the common room, and the library.. I miss him.

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