Chapter 22: Night time Stroll

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The night was cold and clear, the wind soft and quiet as it rustled the trees. I wasn't supposed to out after dark, I knew that. But I felt the need to Lear my head and really think about everything. My OWL's were in a few months, and I needed to study, I wanted to spend time with Sev and Regulus, and Christmas was coming as well. Above all, I wanted to speak to Remus. I even wanted to speak to James and Peter and Sirius. I remembered the day at the lake, me telling James to shut up, Severus telling James I could do whatever I want. And Remus. And the way he looked at me before he left. And Sirius. A twig snapping brings me out of my thoughts as I walk along the forest tree line. "Hello?" I call. There's no answer. I shrug, continuing with my hood up. "Hello?" A voice whispers, urgent and hissing. I spin quickly, and still, there's no one there. I walk down towards the other side of the forest, the Whomping Willow not far away to my left. I look over towards it and freeze, my breath catching in my throat. A scrawny shape moves lightly across the hill top, it's long nose raised in the air. It has pointy ears and it's body is low to the ground. A werewolf. I take deep breaths and try to stay calm. It gets weirder again as a large stag follows the werewolf, tall and proud looking. A small creature follows behind, so small I have to squint to see it. It's a rat, barely recognisable. Lastly, a big shaggy black dog jumps out from beneath the whomping willow. My eyes widen and I freeze to the spot. Suddenly the wind changes and the werewolf stops, his head shifting towards me. I turn and run, my legs coming back to me and my heart racing. I jump into the thick trees and stand among them in a clearing. More branches snap and I cool my breathing, trying not to faint. A long, sad cry of pain echoes through the grounds and around the trees. I wince and turn back for the castle, flinching at every sound. The forest is silent for a few minutes, and my breath rises in the air. I stifle a scream as a hand covers my mouth, dragging me backwards.


I push the hand away roughly, but it stays there. "Okay, I'm gonna let you go, but keep quiet." A voice hisses at me. I nod quietly, my eyes wide. As the hand removes itself from my mouth and the other leaves my waist, I spin, my hand flying out and connecting with someone's lip. "Ow! Merlin! Ow that is painful!" Sirius whisper yells, bending over. "Oh crap! Sirius c'mere, I'm so sorry!" I tell him, going over and looking at his lips. "Never mind that." He says, wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "Nothing, you should go back up to the castle." "Sirius what's going-" I stop short, seeing the stag from earlier on the other side of the clearing. "Go back up to the castle." Sirius tells me hurriedly, pushing me away. I turn quickly away, running back to the castle. As I run back up to Gryffindor tower, I hear a high pitched howl, long and haunting, echo around the grounds.

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