Chapter 42: Mudblood

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A/N: So if it's okay, dedication of this chapter goes to McMia101 for you're vote:) Thank you so much it just.. I don't even know it really cheered me up!:) Thanks for all the votes and comments and I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far:) Here goesh:

I sighed quietly and put my head on my desk, laying down my quill. Defence against the Dark Arts was an east exam, but it was my best subject.. The papers began to pick themselves up and fly towards Professor Flitwick, who stood on his usual pile of books. I carelessly throw my books into my bag, standing up and leaving all but one book on the desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sirius, leaning back in his chair. His hands were begin his head, and he has his usual air of betterness surrounding him. My gaze lingered on his elegantly lazy appearance for a minute before I shook him from my head. Walking from the hall, I see Severus walking slightly ahead of me. "Sev!" I shout, walking up to him. "Hello, River." He says unemotionally. "Look, I feel really bad about not speaking to you and Regulus since I snapped at you that day. It was immature but I was mad and.. Sorry." I say sheepishly. "It's okay." Severus says quietly, his eyes flicking back to his paper. We fall into step and walk along together, heading for the trees near the lake. Students, fifth and seventh years, file out into the entrance hall, through the doors and out into the blinding sunshine. Summer is almost here, the weather and green leaves make that obvious. Severus sits down quietly under a tree, and I wave to Lily, who is standing near the lake with Alice, Mary, and Marlene. "Crap, I have to go get something really quickly." I say, and Severus nods wordlessly as I run away. Jogging into the Great Hall, I snatch up my book. "Ah! Ms.Lupin." Flitwick says, smiling down at me from his perch. "Hello Professor." I smile at him. "How did you find the exam, then?" I shrug. "Well, I'm told you're very bright when it comes to Defence Against the Dark Arts." He says happily. I smile widely at him, turning and walking from the hall.


A group of people huddle near each other near the waters edge, some laughing, others looking nervous. I frowned, looking for Severus to ask what was wrong. Then I see him. Three black haired boys, one in the air, the other two close together, smirking and laughing harshly. My eyes widen as I rush over, leaving my cloak and jumper on the ground. "What's going on?" I asked a random boy, who smirks at me and gestures to Severus, hanging upside down in the air. The two boys underneath him laugh loudly as Peter cheers, standing nearby. I should have guessed. Sirius and James. "Leave him alone!" A voice comes from the lake side, and the small crowd parts quickly, giving me a view of a furious red haired girl. Lily. I sigh with relief as James turns to face her. "What's he done to you?" She asks, eyeing James with severe dislike. "Well.. It's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean." James says, raising his eyebrows and grinning. I roll my eyes and walk towards James, Sirius, Lily and Severus. "Leave him alone." Lily repeats, her voice steely. "C'mon, James. Don't be so immature." I tell him, and Sirius looks at me. I can't quite place what kind of look it is, but it makes me uncomfortable. I lift my head slightly, looking into his grey blue eyes. "I will if you go out with me, Evans." James says hurriedly. Lily looks disgustedly at James, then looks to me, as if for help. I snort, laughing. Severus still hangs in the air, and the crowd is silent. "You think you're funny. But you're just an arrogant, bullying, toe rag, Potter. Leave. Him. Alone." Lily spits at James. Sirius raises his eyebrows and looks at me, as if he's expecting me to say something. "James!" I repeat, gesturing to Severus. "Honestly! Go on Evans, go out with me and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again." James says earnestly. "I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid." Lily says coldly, making the smiles drop from James' face. "Bad luck, Prongs." Sirius laughs, then turns back toward Severus. Severus was seething, his wand pointed at James. "Oi!" Sirius exclaims, bringing my attention back to him. In a flash, Severus is in the air again. "Let him down." Lily says quietly from beside me. "Certainly." James says simply, and Severus falls heavily to the ground, his robes tangling. "Locomoto Mortis!" Sirius yells, and Severus keels over rigidly. "Sirius!" I yell angrily at him. "Oh, now you're speaking to me, are you?" Sirius asks amusedly. Lily pulls out her wand "Leave him ALONE!" She yells, and even James can tell she's lost her patience. "Ah Evans, don't make me hex you." He says. My hand closes around the handle of my wand, and I pull it our slowly, so no one sees. All this time, Remus hasn't looked up from his book once. "Take the curse of him then." Lily snaps at James. He sighs, loudly and deeply, before muttering the counter curse. "There you go. You're lucky Evans was here, Snivellous or else you-" "I don't need help from filthy little mudbloods like her!" Snape yells, stumbling to his feet with flapping robes. There's a chorus I gasps and muttering, an my eyes widen hugely. Sirius' eyes flash I anger, and he looks like he's ready to punch Severus. Lily reacts the calmest out of us all. "Fine." She says, blinking. "Fine. I won't bother in the future. And I'd wash you're pants if I were you, Snivellous." Lily finishes, tuning to walk away. "Apologise to Evans!" James roars at Severus. "I don't want you to make him apologise! You're as bad as he is." Lily yells at James, rounding on him. "What? I'd never call you a.. A you know what." James says, bewildered. "Oh! Messing up you're hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off you're broomstick, showing with that STUPID snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can. I'm surprised you're broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK!" Lily yells, before hurrying away. I turn worriedly back to Sirius and Severus and James. James called out to Lily, but she kept walking away, ignoring him. He looked heartbroken, so I turned to Severus. "That was.." I say, searching for the correct word. "Awful?" Remus asks, stepping forward through the small crowd of people, some of whom are leaving. "Awful? It was terrible! It was horrible! How could you even.." I stop, shaking my head. "Can you tell her in sorry?" Severus asks me hopefully. "Tell her yourself, Snape. I'm not an owl, and I'm not you're messenger, and I'm not you're friend. You're running slightly low on them." I spit at him, turning away to follow Lily. Behind me, I hear Remus talking, James replying, and above everything, Sirius laughing his barking laugh because of Severus.

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