Chapter 5: Charming

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A/N: So I hope this is isn't weird, but I want to dedicate this chapter to lilyandjames01 because she voted for one of my chapters and it made me really happy! Thank you! It have me motivation to keep writing this story, and again, I hope it's okay that I did that:) Enjoy guys:)

Classes start the next day, as Professor McGonagal hands out timetable in the great hall. I have nearly all the same classes as Remus, and some with the girls from my dorm room. Im on the way back from divination, my first class, as I look around the hallways. It really is beautiful. Checking my timetable, I see that I have a free period now. I turn suddenly, and head for the grounds. I'm supposed to meet Sirius and Remus and James, but it can wait. I smile as the September sun warms my back, making everything seem good at this time. The leaves are a mix of crunchy and crisp, but some are still hanging on, soft and green. I plonk myself under a tree and pull out my homework. I sit and him to myself before I hear a twig snap behind me. I jump out of my daydream, my head snapping up. I stand up and look into the bushes, waiting. "It's probably Remus and his friends" I think to myself, rolling my eyes. "You're Lupin's sister, aren't you?" A voice says from behind me. I spin around, coming face to face with a Slytherin boy I've never met before. He looks exactly like Sirius, but younger, and there's something slightly different. I nod, looking at him. "Hi" he says, keeping eye contact with me. "My name is Regulus Black." There's something casually haughty about his voice, but it's nice. He makes it work. "River" I tell him. "Lupin." He nods, then gestures behind him. "And this is Severus Snape" he says, nodding slightly. I turn and narrow my eyes, seeing a thin, lanky boy with greasy hair standing there, looking awkward. He stands beside Regulus Black. The something snaps, registering in my mind. "You Sirius' brother?" I ask him, cocking my head to one side. "Yes, Sirius my dear, beloved, Gryffindor blood traitor brother." He says, practically spitting out the words. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, not realising how much they disliked each other. "So how long have you been standing there?" I ask them, smirking. "About two seconds, don't worry" he laughs. I nod, then glance at my Transfiguration homework. "Well, I guess I should get back to my work.." I tell them, trailing off at the end. "Nonsense, why don't you come for a walk with us?" Regulus asks, and his eyes shine in a way that makes me did it hard to refuse. Severus nods, looking sullen but friendly enough. "Okay" I shrug, walking over to them. The three of us head out for a walk, around the grounds. We discuss classes, houses, teachers and Hogsmead. "I can't wait to go there! What's it like?" I ask the two Slytherin boys. "It's.. Good. It all depends on who you go with." Regulus says. Wow. He's quite the charmer, I think to myself as we round the corner. I throw my hand to my mouth as I see who's there. Remus stands, looking at my book with a frown. Sirius leans on the tree beside him, looking around and occasionally flicking his dark hair from his eyes. James stands beside Remus, patting him gently on the back and looking around. Peter is beside James, glancing around nervously. "Oh, look who it is." Regulus sighs, looking at his older brother with a sneer. "Be nice, Regulus!" I tell him sternly, "Remus is my brother." Regulus and Severus remain silent as we walk the slight hill towards the other boys. "This is definitely her writing, and she told me she'd wait here for us." Remus mutters, sounding worried. "Don't worry, Moony, she's around here." James says soothingly, and Peter nods, and Sirius tells Remus it'll be fine. "Well you two should go, probably." I tell Severus and Regulus, turning to them. "Because of his terrifying older brother and James Potter?" Severus sneers. "Yes, and because Remus-" "River!" I'm cut off by Sirius calling me. I roll my eyes as the four of them hurry down to me. "Because of this." I tell Regulus and Severus. "Where've you been?" Remus asks me, his eyes wide. I smile at how he cares. "I just went for a walk with Severus and Regulus." I tell him casually. "We thought you were lost, it's only you're first day, you could have been anywhere!" James splutters, looking at me, then Remus. "Relax, both of you" I laugh, "I'm fine! Like I just said, I was out for a walk with them." I say, nodding my head towards Regulus and Severus. I notice that Regulus is glaring at Sirius with the utmost dislike in his eyes. "I guess I'll see you later" I tell the two boys. They nod, and Regulus pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me. "I look forward to it" he whispers, sending chills down my spine. I had only just met him, but I was hugging him. I smile at the thought, them wave at Severus and turn to the boys. "See ya, Snivellous!" James shouts, leaning up to look at a retreating Severus. "I look forward to it." Sirius mutters darkly to himself, looking at the ground with narrowed eyes. It's not the grounds fault he has a nice brother that he hates. "I was worried!" Remus tells me quietly. "Worried? Remus, mate, you were practically in tears in the common room!" James tells him, Laying a hand on his shoulder. "I wasn't!" Remus mutters, looking embarrassed. "You shouldn't be worried, I can look after myself, Remus!" I tell him. "I'm not a child!" Sirius butts in. "Ye but you were with Snivellous and my brother!" He says, emphasising "brother." "So? They're perfectly nice, charming people!" I tell him, my voice rising. "Charming?" Sirius snorts, laughing sarcastically. "Yes." I tell him, then add. "And you four aren't exactly charming or nice at the moment, so when you grow up, I'll talk to you" I say, spinning on my heel and stalking off. "River wait!" A voice says, and Sirius grabs my wrist, spinning me around. I'm very close to him, practically pressed to his chest. "Wait, let me-" "Save it, Sirius." I spit, wrenching my hand from his grip and walking away, towards the castle for dinner.

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