Chapter 8: What a mess

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Hey guysh! So I'm dedicating this chapter to APolishPirate because you voted for all my chapters! Seriously, THANK YOU so much! It means a lot, and it made my year!:) Thank you <3 Okay that's it, comment if you can, opinions are extremely welcome! Enjoy!

"Do you want to come up?" Remus asks me. "Sure" I smile at Remus, going warily up the stairs. My eyes widened as I entered their room. Peter was sitting cross legged, stuffing himself with chocolate frogs. He smiled awkwardly at me when I walked in. James was lying on his bed, his arm covering his eyes and the other on his stomach. Sirius had both hands behind his head, staring at the roof of his four poster bed. ''So..'' Remus says shyly. ''Still reading, Remus?'' I smirk, picking up his book and glancing at it. He nods, smiling. ''Listen'' I tell him, sitting down on what i'm assuming is his bed. ''About earlier, I don't think we should fight aout it.'' He nods, his eyes lighting up. ''But! I'm serious about this, you four idiots can't stop me from being friends with Reg and Sev.'' Remus' smile falters a bit, but he fixes it again. ''Okay..'' his voice is uncertain. ''I cant beleive you're friends with my brother and Snivellous.'' Sirius' voice comes from the bed. "He's perfectly nice!" I say. Sirius snorts, laughing. "Sirius.." Remus says, putting his books away. Sirius sighs. "Ugh fine." He sits up, looking at me strangely. It's as if he's seeing me for the first time, and really taking notice of me. I hold his eyes for a minute before looking at James, who clears his throat loudly. "Here." He tossed me a chocolate frog, which I grab. "Bad throw." I tell him, smirking. "Good catch." He says, eyebrows raised. The frog jumps out the box, onto Remus' bed. Lunging forward, I wrap my hands around the frog and grab it. Popping it in my mouth, I turn and see James looking at me thoughtfully. "What?" I ask him, sitting down. Sirius as James share a look, then turn to me. "Those were good catches!" Sirius says, sitting up straight. "Could have been better" I tell them. With raised eyebrows, James looks to Remus. "River used to play quidditch all the time when we were younger." He tells them, shrugging. "She could catch things pretty well." "Is that so?.." Sirius says thoughtfully. James grins, looking at me. "D'you think you'd consider joining the team?" My eyes widen. "Tryouts are in a few days, why not give it a try?" Remus asks, smiling at me. "I'll think about it." I tell them. "Seriously, we could use you!" James tells me, looking eager. "Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning." I get up to leave, stopping at the door. "See you for breakfast?" Peter asks me. "Sure!" I smile at them, swinging around the doorframe and leaving. "Oh, and one more thing!" I tell them, going back and leaning on the doorframe. "You're room is a complete mess!"

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