Chapter 37: The Cup

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A/N: So I'm dedicating this chapter to Cobolt, for voting and commenting!:) It make my whole use seriously! Thank you very much:) Hope you enjoy it.. And I hope anyone else who reads it like it too! Please vote and comment!:) Kay here goes!

"Go go Gryffindor, go go Gryffindor!" The chant rings in my ears as I whiz past the crowds, the wind blowing my long black hair from my face. The day is clear and bright and sunny, perfect for quidditch. A bludger flies towards me, and I raise my bat, concentrating. The wood connects with the ball, making a solid "smack" as the bludger flies away. Grinning broadly, I turn and come face to face with Sebastian. "What are you?.." I ask him, frowning. "I'm the sub chaser for Slytherin." He shrugs, grabbing a quaffle and throwing it away expertly. I raise my eyebrows. So do you want to the next Hogsmeade trip with me?" He asks me. "Nope." I say, popping the t and flying away. He smiles widely and zooms away in another direction. "Another goal for Gryffindor! That brings the score 90-70!" The Gryffindor stands, clad from head to toe in red and yellow for the last match, scream wildly, jumping up and down. "And.. Wait wait! The seeker dives, chasing the snitch for Gryffindor! James Potter dives, reaching for the snitch!" The commentator screams, and I turn quickly, smacking a bludger and looking for James. I see him then, smiling hugely and taking both hands off his broomstick. "C'mon James!" I scream loudly in the heat of the moment. Sirius turns his head to me when I scream, his eyes grey finding my brown ones. The smile stays on my face, relishing the feeling of the screaming Gryffindor's, the feeling of the last match, and I forget to be angry at anyone. Even Sirius. "And James Potter has caught the snitch! 150 points to Gryffindor!"

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