Chapter 4: Unless youre bad at them

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After dinner, I walk back up to the common room with Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. Personally, I don't find Peter particularly interesting, but the other two are great. I haven't exactly made friends yet, but hopefully I will. Until then, I've agreed to spend time with Remus and his friends. We sit by the light of the dying fire, me staying quiet, taking in everything that's happened since this morning. "So, what are good subjects?" I ask them, starting a conversation. "Um.." Remus says, concentrating. "They're all good unless you're bad at them." James says, looking proud of his answer. I roll my eyes, but admit it's a good answer. "Well History of Magic is terrible!" Sirius says loudly, coming up with one. "Oh great, thanks" I say, smiling at him. "Why?" Remus asks me, looking at me. "Because I want to sleep in at least one class tomorrow!" I tell him, because it should be obvious. Sirius and James chuckle, but Remus looks disapproving. "River, you can't sleep o you're first day!" "Remus, I can do what I want! Besides, I'm sure it can't be a hard subject." Peter is quiet, eating sweets, as I've noticed he usually is. The other two are still laughing quietly, looking between Remus and me. "Just don't fall asleep in anything else." "What about Transfiguration?" I ask hopefully. My reply is a chorus of "no no no no no" "no way!" "Don't!" And "definitely not!" "Woah, okay!" I put my hands up in surrender. "Why?" "Because McGonagal is the transfiguration teacher, and she's ye he's of house!" Remus tells me, his voice extremely serious. "Oh Remus, you're such a nerd" I tell him jokingly. He shoots me a look, before going back to his book. "Divination! On the other hand, that's another one you can sleep in." Sirius tells me, a smirk on his lips. "Sirius! Don't encourage her!" Remus says, looking up and shutting his book. I laugh, "Thanks Sirius." "No problem" he winks at me, and I smile back at him. Remus clears his throat, James sniggers, and I stand up. "Well, this has been nice, I guess I'll see you guys for breakfast." I say, deciding to go to bed. Remus stands up and points me in the right direction, and I hug him tightly. "You're not a nerd, Remus." I whisper. "I know" he says, and I can hear the laughter in his voice. I turn away, but hear a voice. "Do I get a goodnight hug?" Sirius asks, standing up with mock offence. I roll my eyes. "I just met you! Why should I hug you?" I ask him. "Because! Of my wit and charm and incredibly good looks!" He says, flashing me a smile and flicking his hair. Remus sighs, rolling his eyes. I hug Sirius, my arms around his neck. His arms wrap around me, before he pulls away slowly. "Goodnight" I tell them all, waving slightly.


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