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She quickly took her coffee from the coffee machine after checking the time on her Rolex wrist watch again. She was five minutes late!

And that too on her first day of work!

She lets out a silent groan letting her head fall back, her eyes closing shut for that moment. The wall clock that was perched high on the wall on the other side of the kitchen seems to be taunting her by the way it was ticking loudly, or at least to her ear it is reminding her of the precious time she's wasting by the second.

Can this day get any worse? She thought.

Her heels were in her hand while the coffee cup was in the other. Somehow her Chanel quilted shoulder bag is slung on her shoulder on top of her crimson pink Kimono which covers her white high waist straight skirt with a long slit which was hidden by the kimono and a matching halter.

She all but sprinted out of the house after bidding her aunt goodbye. Her aunt chuckled, she had been trying to get this girl out of bed for hours, and now she is late. Serves her right though. Next time she would not stay up till three in the morning knowing she has her internship the next day.

Jannah strode to the parking lot quickly careful not to spill her coffee. God knows that's the only thing that will keep her sane this morning. In no time, she reached what she considers her most prized possession; a sleek black Audi SUV that her father gifted her when she graduated four months ago.

People have this stereotype that it's just men whom are obsessed with cars, well they are wrong. Jannah treasures this car like her life, mainly because it's the very first car her father is letting her own and drive. In all her twenty one years, never had she been allowed to drive a car at home. Her parents simply didn't trust her driving skills ever since when she was nineteen and her mother let send her on an errand to the supermarket. For the very first time she trusted the girl to drive without a chaperone, thinking that she is now a well trained driver.

They were wrong.

Big time.

Because the moment Jannah came back home, she returned with a flat tire, half the once beautiful sleek Mercedes scraped and missing one headlight. The car literally had a huge dent on it. Her excuse was that she met with an accident involving a reckless motorcycle driver and that next time she will be more careful. Obviously, they didn't but that excuse and ever since then she wasn't allowed to drive.

And now, she was given the car after made to take three different drivers test and passed all.

She quickly opened the door and got in. She didn't bother taking off the bag, she simply threw the heels on the passenger's seat and placed the coffee mug in the cup holder. Turning on the car and revving it to life, she drove out of the driveway and out if the house that has been a second home to her.

The traffic was no joke, and it definitely didn't help calm the nervous spitball that's Jannah. Tapping her foot impatiently on the floor as her fingers drum the steering wheel, she looked out through the window and saw that it was as if the traffic isn't moving at all.

Tears literally well up in her eyes as she checked the time on her wristwatch again and saw that she was eleven minutes late. She took the now cold coffee and took a gulp. She didn't stop until the mug was empty and by then she was determined to get to work by fire by force. She will walk there if she has to. If the heels will stop her in any way then she'll take it off and walk barefoot.

Thankfully, the cars moved and she was on her way to work again. She made it there in no time and she hopped out after finding a space to park her car. The parking lot was filled up with numerous posh cars that make her cringe. Obviously, the people working here are either snobby or just like to show off their wealth no matter how nice they are.

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