Chapter 22- Loooong Story

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[ Krystle's P.O.V ]

I look down, biting my bottom lip nervously, not even knowing how the even begin explaining this, considering I have no idea how I'm the way I am in the first place.

"I...don't know. 'He' took his soul." I say quietly.

"Who's 'he'? You always say that, but who is 'he'?" Trent questions formally.

I sigh. "And that's the difficult part. I don't know who 'he' is. But 'he's' IN me. In my mind, only taking iver when I'm overwhelmed. He's not good either." I look up at him, willing him to believe with my eyes. "Remember how lifeless that guy looked when you found me?"

He nods slowly, confusion plastered across his face, along with concentration.

"Well....'he' took his soul." I wince, knowing how very cheesy and unbelievable that sounds, even to my own ears.

"Okay..." Trent looks at the floor, his jaw a bit clenched. "Okay...okay okay okay....." Suddenly, he gets up and starts to pace. ", there's this...this 'thing' in you, and when you let your emotions get the best of you, 'he' comes out and steals souls?"

I nod. "Yes. He hasn't had souls in awhile. He's in me and I have no idea why. I don't know if I was born with him in me or not, I don't know..."

"Alright....okay...." He comes to sit beside me. "You know how insane that sounds, right?"

"Yes. But it's true." I retort, a bit defensive, knowing how real it is.

"Why? Why though?"

"I don't know..I don't...I really don't." I grit my teeth, anger clouding my mind. Of all people, it was me.

As if Trent could sense my anxiety, he pulls my arm his way, that way, I'm squished against his side.

"Look, I wouldn't doubt you. But we need to find out what it is, before something awful happens. If he can take souls...well, that's not exactly a good thing."

I shrug, trying to pull away. "No, I've dealt with him ever since I could remember, I don't need to change anything."

"We HAVE to find out what or who he is. It could be dangerous."

"It wouldn't matter." I look at the ceiling, feeling absolutely helpless.

"Yes, it does." He says softly. "It matters to everyone who cares. I care, Faith and Cassie care too. Can't you be a bit grateful for those things?"

I shake my head. "No. You like me because I look like you. They like me because I'm their cousin."

He's in my face faster than sound. "That is not true, Krystle. I like you because of WHO YOU ARE. You are unexplainable, unpredictable, phenomenal. There are utterly no words to describe who you are to me. So DON'T YOU DARE tell ME what I think."

I back up a bit, grimacing.

"Exactly, you have no words to defend yourself. Guess you don't have EVERY excuse in The Book." He gives me a stern look.

"I don't need every excuse, I just simply don't believe."

He lets our a harsh breath. "Okay...I'm going to say this nice and slow so you get the fucking point; I lo-"

His door bursts open and a panicked Faith looks frantically at Trent before seeing me, and confusion crosses her face.

"There you are! We were all worried half to death!?" She comes in closer before flinging herself into my arms, pushing Trent aside. "Why are you at Trent's house."

"Long story." Trent and I say in unison.

We look at each other.

Yeah...ain't that the truth?

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