Chapter Twelve- Uncontrollable

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I feel a light touch against my forehead and my eyes flicker open, for me to see a grinning Trent above.

Flustered, I scoot back until my back hits the wall. "Wha-what are you doing in my room?"

I hear chuckling, and look to see Faith's lips lifting up into a smile, then a frown, before going back up, trying to hold in laughter obviously. I huff and flick my hair to the side before sliding off my bed. "You're all so funny. Why is he here anyways?"

Faith comes up, "It's Sunday, and he wanted us to hang out with him."

I raise a brow. Are they serious?

Of course they are.

I sigh, "Okay? Is that supposed to surprise me?"

She shrugs. "We just wanted you to know, so get your pretty on, and let's go."

I snort. "My pretty?"

"Yeah, your 'pretty'. You know, all the clothes, and junk. Come on Trent, Kye needs his space when he does his stuff."

"Sounds dirty, but okay." Trent replies, and leaves my room after Faith.

The second my door closes, I check my wrists ( which are covered with bands and bracelets ) and inspect the small wounds. They itch, and they're red, but nothing bad.

I make it to my bathroom, wash the cuts, and start my usual routine.

I start with a quick, cold shower. Then, I fix my hair with the products needed ( after I dry it, of course ) so that it's teased and spunked up, while the typical slash covers the left side of my face. Next, I put on red skinny Jeans, a deep blue shirt, and my same red contacts. I put on one blue glove, and one red one. Then, I cover my torso and basically my whole upper body, with a black and red colored hoodie, and a my red studded belt, and blue one, but I cross them, as they hang loose. Last, I apply my eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and blue lipstick.

After I'm finished, I take a breathe before walking out, inspecting my nails while I make it to the living room.

"Isn't he just cute?" I hear Cassie gush.

I lazily look up to see her pointing to me, looking at Trent, and practically jumping up and down in her spot. The girl is very enthusiast about the smallest things.

"Are you ready now, Prince Kye?" Faith teases, looking at me with a thin, raised brow, and a knowing smirk.

I frown. "Yes, Captain Obvious."

When Jim comes in to greet Trent and tell us to have fun, he gives me a warning look, and I nod slightly, showing him I understand.

And then we walk out.

Trent takes lead, and we simply walk to his house, since it's close to ours.

I observe the leafless trees. Autumn is almost over. The snow will soon come. I enjoy the snow. Anything cold in general.

He stops in front of a huge, bark-colored house. It looks depressing through my eyes. Empty, with a horrible past.

Of course, that's the feeling I get when he's out. He knows the past of any soul. I shift uncomfortably. If he's rousing now, he'll try and do something rash. It's hard to control him sometimes.

I swallow dryly, "Is this your house?"

Trent turns around and nods. He could almost be considered my cousin, he does look like me a bit.

"Come on," He opens the door and I get a whiff of cinnamon spice and a hint of something.....soft....almost soothing and gentle.

We follow him inside and he closes the door. We're in the living room with the first step. There's two manilla-colored couches, and two people lounging on them, clearly playing video games.

"Don't mind them, they're just Joana's friends." Trent dismisses them. He walks over to them and kicks one guy in the stomach. "Dude, move over, we have guests."

He groans, and glares. He scoots over, grumbling and Faith happily takes the seat like she owns the place already.

I notice him staring at Faith and smirking, while her eyes latch onto the screen, watching what they're playing.

I clear my throat, and his head snaps up to me, and Trent turns his attention to me. He walks over, "Oh, are you thirsty, or hungry? Make yourself at home. Go steal the fridge if you have to, it doesn't bother me. Maybe Joana, but he'll get over."

I feel him buzzing in my body, excited to see Trent before him. I clench my jaw and shake my head.

"You sure? Well, sit down, Trevor is the only one sitting on the second couch, so that's enough room." He looks me in the eyes, searching, and he almost forces me onto Trent's arms, I feel a silent shudder run up my spine, and I try to force it back.

I nod and it takes all my power to walk away, and I stiffly sit next to the guy named Trevor. He greets me and I only nod, afraid to say anything, because he'll most likely force words, I don't want to say, out.

Trent asks Faith and Cassie for anything, and gets them a drink when they tell him.

He cries in despair when Trent walks away, putting a distance between us. I fist my hands, he's fully awake now. Which is rare, but he won't let something he wants slip out of his grasp so easily.

Trent comes back, and hands my cousins their drinks, before sitting down next to me. He silently screams happily, and my blood starts to flare with heat.

I hold back an irritated growl.

"Are you okay, Kye?" Faith asks, aware of my tense position.

I clear my mind, and tell her as best as I can, "Yes."

It's not easy saying that, when he has others ideas of what I should say.

Trent takes the guys off the games and chooses a TV show for us to all watch. A little while later of silent torture Faith and Cassie want to know the outside, and so the guys eagerly jump up to show them, leaving me alone with Trent.

He looks at me. "So, have you been having any problems with your uncle?"

"Well, yes, but I'd rather talk about something else." I blurt out wickedly.

He assesses me carefully. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

I lean in close to his face. "How about how you look so very delicious in that clothes of yours?"

He jerks back and his eyes widen."Wha-what? What's wrong with you, Kye?"

I move closer till he's cornered into the arm of the couch, and I lean above him.

What's wrong with me? He's taking away my sanity, and controlling my body....

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