Chapter 38 - Cut the Stalling

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Okay, I think I have this all down. I think bitterly. The whole tour was rather unpleasant and pointless. The Reapers were vile and selfish and human souls were the only want that ever crossed their black minds.

I sit before a huge feast, taking in the food with my eyes, a bitter taste in my mouth. Everyone stuffs their faces and I begin to feel nauseous.

Poor humans...

The king stares me down with a cool and measured look, making me feel intimidated.

I gingerly pick up the fork and push the food around. It looks like some type of meat with a red sauce and mashed potatoes with a green drizzle on top. Though it smells devine, I mentally gag. What could it be?

No, I didn't really want to know, it might make me puke up bile.

"So, Keleck," The king says around a bite of the mysterious meat, emphasizing my name, "What did you plan to do on that hell of an earth?"

My muscles tense up and I look at my plate, now feeling guilty and realizing why I had been interested in what I had been all along. "Something involving hospitals."

His smile is full of cruel knowing. "Ah, attracted to the souls, are we?"

Anger then settles deep in the core of my chest. Rackin is strangely quiet, but he observes the King with silent hatred.

You sense something wrong too? I think to him, for once, actually trying to communicate.

I know something is wrong. He's bad.

I snort. And you aren't?

You are a fool, Keleck. He is bad in all ways. He is willing to kill his own family for power. He's willing to set up plans that--

Rackin stops abruptly and growls.

He's willing what? I think, exasperated.

Shut up and pay attention, before you regret it.

I try to figure out what he meant when everyone stands from their seats.

"Huh?" I get up too, trying not to feel awkward and misplaced like a deer among a pride of lions.

"Time to go to the biggest chamber. Like a ball for the humans, but here we call it the Ultra Chamber. Where everyone goes for meetings or huge feasts, or to talk to the queen and king." Cozach explains.

Oh, so where the throne is.

I follow them cautiously. It was only me, the queen, king, Cozach and Maxin. Trent, Faith and Joana were escorted here first.

My body doesn't buzz with anticipation like it usually does when I'm about to see Trent, making me realize there must be something off.

Is he okay?

The king settles down on his throne, and sighs with a slight smirk. "You probably do not have many questions you want to ask me."

"Uh...well actually, I do." I shift and raise my chin.

He lifts an eyebrow, almost as if he knows what the question is. "And what question is that?"

I stare at him hard. "Why was I really given away?"

Sorry this is short and took so long to post. Just got a new phone and not gonna lie, I've been really lazy lol. But all hope is not lost.

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