The Battle Part Two

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"But he didn't listen, did he?" Midoriya teased as he slowly lowered his arms. "He didn't listen to poor Tomura." He taunted as he cast a quick side glance towards Bakugo.

"Obviously not." Shigaraki spat in reply as he began dusting the dirt off his body.

"Want to know why?" The green haired man questioned with a smirk as he walked closer to the fiery blonde.

"Not in particular." Shigaraki replied as he clenched his fists. He was starting to regret a lot of things he had done recently. "But I want to know how." Shigaraki yelled out as Midoriya whispered something in Bakugo's direction.

"How what?" Midoriya replied with a smirk as he took a couple of steps back.

"How you could fool him." He spat in anger. "How you could manipulate Toga into thinking you actually cared about her." He said as he took a single step forward.

"Shigaraki." Kurogiri said in warning tone as he watched the blue haired man with worry. They were clearly out numbered and not going to win this battle. The only way was to warp away. Kurogiri knew that, but Shigaraki was one stubborn son of a bitch.

"Shut up Kurogiri!" Shigaraki snapped in his direction.

"Guess you'll never know." Midoriya replied with a simple shrug as he took another step back. Him and Shigaraki had a staring contest while waiting to see who would make the first move. Meanwhile behind them, the class was more confused than ever about the three man standing in front of them. The whole time they had been worrying about Bakugo and Midoriya being villains, they were really only undercover. They felt like idiots when they began putting the pieces together. They knew the green haired man and the blonde so well, how could they ever believe that they would be villains? Shigaraki opened his hand and instantly began to charge forward.

"Now!" Midoriya yelled loudly as he shot himself up in the air. Bakugo let off a smirk as he jumped towards Shigaraki already charging his quirk. Kurogiri attempted to run to Shigaraki, but was quickly interrupted.

"Your fight is with me!" Dabi yelled as he lunged towards Kurogiri. His main job was to keep him busy so he couldn't warp Shigaraki and himself out of the situation.

"Sorry Todoroki!" Midoriya yelled from the air as he did a back flip, connecting his hand to Todoroki's head. A loud explosion distracted the group as Shigaraki flew back into the tree's. Midoriya quickly landed on the ground behind the group as he looked to his surroundings. Dabi was attempting to hit Kurogiri, but he couldn't manage a solid hit. Bakugo and Shigaraki were battling it out on the tree lines. The blonde was keeping the blue haired man at bay with his quirk, but he could only handle so much.

"Dammnit." Midoriya spat to himself in the back, causing the class to turn around in shock. Everything was happening so fast that nobody registered what was happening.

"Ahh!" Everyone turned their heads from Midoriya to the screaming warp gate user.

"Yaoyorozu!" Midoriya yelled as he pushed through the group to find her on the ground using her quirk. "How much longer till the first one is finished?" He asked.

"A-about three m-more minutes." She panted. Producing something that complex was putting a strain on her body.

"You're doing great." Midoriya said with an encouraging smile as he directed his attention to Kurogiri's warp gate that was being forced open, causing him to scream in pain. Slowly but surely, 15 Nomu's slowly made their way through the warp gate.

"This is not good." Mineta cried as he clenched his shirt in fear.

"We'll get through it." Midoriya spat as he turned his attention back to the fiery blonde. "Everyone, keep the Nomu's at bay and protect Yaoyorozu." Midoriya ordered as he charged full cowling. He had to get Shigaraki's quirk sooner rather than later. He kicked his feet from the ground, aiming for Shigaraki's head. When he got within hitting range, he activated erasure. While Shigaraki's quirk was canceled out, he put his hand to the mop of blue hair and activated transfer. Shigaraki grabbed Midoriya's arm and attempted to dissingrate it.

"Why isn't this working?" He asked in anger as he squeezed Midoriya's arm tighter. "Why aren't you disappearing?" He yelled as he dug his poorly trimmed nails into the green haired mans arm. I don't have much time left. Midoriya said to himself as his eyes began to burn. He had to get out of Shigaraki's grip and fast. Once he blinked, his arm would turn to dust. He had only managed to get 14%, but it had to be enough for now. He quickly grabbed Shigaraki's arm with his arm and pushed himself away. The blue haired man fell to the ground with a thump.

"Damnit!" He yelled as he pushed himself from the ground. "You and your quirks." He spat as he brought his hands to his neck, self-consciously digging at his skin. "Kurogiri!" He yelled as Midoriya and Bakugo took a few steps closer, anticipating his next move. "Warp." He spat before he turned for the warp gate user. Fortunately, he never got the chance. An ice wall quickly shot out, separating Kurogiri and Shigaraki from one another.

"You okay Deku?" Bakugo questioned as he quickly made his way to his boyfriends side. His right side was covered in a very thin layer of ice. "When did you manage to take half and half's quirk?" He questioned in confusion as he examined the ice.

"W-when y-you attacked h-him." Midoriya panted in between breaths.

"You're bleeding." The blonde pointed out as he grabbed his boyfriends arm. It wasn't a lot of blood, just from Kurogiri's nails.

"I-it doesn't matter." He replied as he forced a small smile.

'"Yaoyorozu!" A yell rang from behind, pulling their attention from the main battle. A Nomu was charging full speed at the girl on the ground. Her cuff was almost complete, they couldn't let anything interfere now.

"Use combustion!" Bakugo ordered as he grabbed Midoriya's shoulders, quickly turning him towards the charging Nomu. The green haired man raised his arm as he concentrated all his energy towards the Nomu. A few seconds later, it stopped in it's tracks as it burst into flames. The Nomu's only had one quirk each at the moment, so it shouldn't be terribly hard to take them down. They were ready for battle, but they weren't all that efficient.

"Can you use that on all of them?" Bakugo questioned with wide eyes as he watched the Nomu practically surrender as it burnt to a crisp.

"Probably." Midoriya replied with a deadly glare towards the Nomu's. "Keep Shigaraki distracted for me." He ordered as he raised his hand to the air. One by one, the Nomu's stopped in their tracks as they burst into flames. It made no sense on why they stopped moving. Even with only one quirk, they should be able to keep fighting until they are truly done for. Being caught on fire shouldn't be enough to stop them. Midoriya however, didn't have the time to think it through as Yaoyorozu ran towards him.

"Here's one!" She yelled as she handed a metal cuff large enough to fit around Kurogiri's waist.

"Thank you." He said quickly as he turned back towards the battle behind him. Bakugo was currently battling Shigaraki from a distance, trying his hardest to not get touched. Meanwhile Dabi was having a very heated argument and fight with Kurogiri.

If I use One for All, I should be able to get to the back side of Kurogiri without him even noticing. I could snap this on before he has the chance to make a getaway. He thought to himself as he prepared himself to take charge. Dabi noticed Midoriya preparing to put the cuff on Kurogiri, but he had a much simpler plan. He smirked towards the green haired man before he locked his eyes on Kurogiri.

"Freeze Frame." He whispered with a deadly smirk. The warp gate user began to open his mouth to speak, but never got the chance as he was frozen in time.

"Now's your chance Izu!" Dabi yelled across the small distance towards the green haired man. This was the moment they were waiting for. They could finally take down the league without them running away like cowards. This was check mate.

Just incase anyone was curious, there are only five chapters left after you read this one😭😅

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