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"You know, my time will soon expire." The raspy voice echo'd through the massive empty warehouse, filled with home created science experiments. "I know we chatted a little bit about what the future plans were, but you still seem unsure." The voice echo'd once more.

"It isn't that I am unsure. I want your power. I want to be able to kill whoever All Might's successor is." Midoriya spat with hatred as he looked over Nomu number 14. "I just wonder why you would chose me instead of Shigaraki." He said with a bored expression as he glanced at the name plastered on the plaque above the nomu's head. Haru Takashi. Midoriya stared at the name sadly as he attempted to put a face to the name.

"Why would you think that?" All for One questioned from his wheel chair.

"As I understand it, he is like a son." Midoriya replied with a shrug as he moved to Nomu number 15.

"He is, which is what makes this harder." All for One replied with no emotion.

"Makes what harder?" Midoriya questioned as he checked the stats of the Nomu.

"He is a great son in a way, but he isn't responsible. I have never been able to get him out here to teach the process of building the Nomu's." He explained as he carefully watched Midoriya examine the Nomu's. "He is doing a fair job at leading the League from his position, but he doesn't think far enough ahead to realize the out come. He wants to cause as much chaos as he can, which will hurt him in the long run." Midoriya looked up to the man with confusion. He attempted to locate his eyes through his mask in the dark room, but he couldn't.

"How so?" Midoriya questioned as he got a big whiff of mildew. He silently cringed at the smell as he turned his attention back to the Nomu.

"I have a bigger goal in mind." All for One replied simply. "I want All Might dead first, I want his successor dead after that, then I want to take down each pro hero in order." He said cynically as he smiled to himself.

"Why in order?" Midoriya questioned as he moved to Nomu number 16.

"I want them to anticipate their deaths." His master replied with a twisted grin. "I want them to know we are coming for them and there is nothing they can do about it."

"You make it sound so easy." Midoriya spat coldly. "'Pro's' are incredibly strong. It is going to take a lot of energy to defeat anyone." Midoriya explained as he checked the quirk stats of his Nomu.

"You sound hopeless." All for One replied as he carefully watched Midoriya's blank expression.

"It's not that I am hopeless." Midoriya spat harshly. "It's just I think it would be easier to have someone I really trust by my side." Midoriya said slowly as he turned to All for One once more.

"What about Toga?" All for one questioned. Midoriya took a deep breath as he realized this was probably his last shot for protecting the people he cared about.

"She's kind of crazy." Midoriya said with a small chuckle. "But I think I know the perfect person." Midoriya said nervously.

"Who?" All for one questioned with suspicion. Midoriya froze in fear as he was looking back to his master. He knew that he could be messing up majorly right now. He knew he could fail his mission and die right this very second, but he had to at least try.

"Katsuki Bakugo." Midoriya smirked. All for one was silent as he stared at Midoriya's smirking face.

"We've already tried to get him to join once and it almost cost us our entire group." All for one spat towards the green haired man.

"I'm aware." Midoriya replied back as he moved to the 17th Nomu.

"What makes you think he would be willing to join us this time?" All for One asked curiously.

"A lot of people in the UA gave up hope when All Might retired. They're starting to realize the truth about our 'heros'." Midoriya spat with venom. "They're confused and right now would be the perfect time to show them the correct path." Midoriya explained.

"Very well." All for One replied as he turned his wheel chair away from the green haired man. "If you can get anyone from UA here, do it. The world will enter a panic and slowly realize the hero's aren't protecting anyone at all."

"There's a catch to that." Midoriya said with hesitation. It's now or never. He thought to himself. "We can't hurt anyone in the class right now."

"Why?" All for One questioned with frustration.

"Because we want them to think we care and that we'll be able to offer them the best protection if they are with us. They'll be hesitant if we are constantly hurting them. We can go all out on the pro's and kill them, we just need to avoid hurting the class for now." Midoriya explained as he finished the stat check on the Nomu. All for One was silent as he thought through Midoriya's plan. He wanted to say something was up, but he couldn't. Midoriya had the whole league wrapped around his finger.

"Very well then." I will make the announcement later. "I want Katsuki Bakugo with us as soon as you can get him." He spat as he slowly began wheeling away. Midoriya smirked to himself, thankful that he bought his phony plan.

"Of course master." He replied. He waited silently until he heard the electric wheel chair go silent. I can't believe that worked. Midoriya thought to himself with a smug grin. I need to text Kaachan! Midoriya yelled to himself as he reached for his phone. He paused as he stared at his plain blue wallpaper. I don't know who is with him.. I have to be careful on what I say. Midoriya thought to himself as he typed in the number he knew by heart.

Midoriya- Did you turn in the homework?

It was good enough. If anyone saw it, they would think it was just someone in the class that Bakugo didn't care about enough to save their number.

Kaachan- Deku?

So I'm on your mind too? Midoriya smirked to himself when Bakugo responded almost immediately.

Midoriya- (;

Kaachan- We need to talk asap.

That we do. Midoriya thought to himself as he moved his fingers across the keyboard.

Midoriya- Train Station closest to my apartment. Be there at 1am.

Midoriya quickly set his phone down as he made his way to Nomu number 18, his Nomu. Midoriya looked at the horrid creature with sadness as he glanced to the name plate. Asahi Reo. That isn't what the plate had ways said though. When Midoriya was setting up the Nomu's, he saw his own name attached to this one. His original quirk was stolen from him when he went to the doctor for a quirk check when he was a kid. He even found the files signing off on it. All for One was working with the doctor Midoriya had seen. Whenever there was a potential quirk for a Nomu, All for One was called in to steal it.

His original quirk was combustion, a combination of both of his parents quirks. He smiled sadly as he remembered the day he found out. He was so mad he thought he could have destroyed the entire league right then and there. He traced his hand over the fake name plate slowly. You'll be my quirk once more again.

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