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"Dabi?" Midoriya questioned as he lightly knocked on the dark brown door occupying the far right side of the wall. He waited for a few long seconds before the door opened quickly. Midoriya's green eyes met Dabi's sad blue one.

"What's up kid?" Dabi questioned in annoyance as he stepped deeper into his room, allowing Midoriya to enter.

"Everyone just left." Midoriya said as he quickly walked inside the room. The walls were the same not so white color that the rest of the building was covered in. Dabi's room was nothing spectacular. It had a small bed in the far left corner with a matching night stand next to it. There was an old beaten up black dresser against the right wall. Most of the knobs had been lost due to years of neglect. "Plus, you said you wanted to talk." Midoriya replied nervously as he shut the door.

"Sit down." Dabi ordered from the top of the bed. Midoriya swiftly crossed the room and sat on the foot of the bed, facing Dabi.

"What's wrong?" Midoriya questioned as he stared at Dabi. He was showing mixed signs of sadness, confusion and want all at once. Midoriya could usually read people like an open book, but Dabi was another story. He was usually void of any emotion, and if he was showing emotion, it was always more than just one.

"Tell me about Shoto Todoroki." Dabi ordered in a pleading voice. Midoriya's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the black haired man sitting across from him.

"Why do you want to know about Todoroki?" Midoriya spat.

"I just.." Dabi's shaky voice trail as he ran a hand through his unruly hair in frustration. "I can't stop thinking about him." Dabi admitted. "I don't want to hurt him." He said quietly while looking back to Midoriya. "It the opposite actually."

"You want to protect him?" Midoriya scoffed. "Why would you want to protect him?" He asked with fake anger. "If you want to protect anyone from UA, you are a traitor to the League." Midoriya spat as he quickly pushed himself from the bed. "I told everybody the classes weakness's and their strength's when I got recruited. I don't have anymore information." He said coldly as he walked towards the brown door once more. He had a million different thoughts running through his mind. If Dabi really is a traitor, why would he be so willing to blow his cover to me? He knows that I would possibly tell Shigiaraki, so why risk it? Midoriya thought to himself as he opened the door, causing a creaking noise to echo throughout the bare room.

"I don't want to know about his weekness's and strengths." Dabi spat. "I want to know about his life and who he is as a person." Dabi explained, causing Midoriya to stop in his tracks as his hand rested on the door knob. "I want to know what his favorite color is and his favorite food." Dabi said sadly as he closed his eyes. Everything he said, was true. He wanted to know more about the people he cared about.

"Why do you want to know?" Midoriya questioned slowly as he shut the door once more.

"Call me curious." Dabi replied with a smirk.

"No. We have been beating around the bush about you acting weird for a few weeks now. I want to know the truth." Midoriya stated as he turned back towards Dabi once more.

"Why should I do that?" Dabi groaned loudly.

"Because, if you want any information on Todoroki, I want some information in return." Midoriya smirked as he made his way over to the bed.

"Like what?" Dabi questioned.

"Like why you would betray the League for a first year student at UA." Midoriya replied with a bored expression. Internally, he was freaking out. Externally, he was trying to keep calm and collected as he figured out any information that he could to help him win in the end.

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