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A whole week had passed since Midoriya had officially left UA. Every single student had to submit themselves to question by the police and All Might. The class tried to resume as normal, but they all failed miserably. They couldn't stop thinking about their green haired friend. Everyone couldn't help but wonder if he were okay. Nothing made sense to them anymore as he all became easily distracted. Uraraka and Bakugo were taking it the hardest.

Uraraka kept telling herself she didn't deserve to be a hero. How could she save other people when she couldn't even save her best friend? She considered dropping out of the hero course, but she knew she was over reacting. It wasn't her fault that he joined the league, it wasn't anybody's fault. She just couldn't help but wonder how things would have turned out if she forced her way in. Everyone thought giving him his space would be good, but they were wrong. His space ended up driving him to madness as he slowly became a villain.

Bakugo would never admit it, but he was worried. He grew up with the kid, he knew how positive his attitude was. When Midoriya found out he was quirkless, he didn't let that stop him from dreaming of becoming a hero. He kept pushing forward until he was able to land himself an amazing quirk. He stayed positive through the years of bullying for being quirkless. He understood losing Inko was something Midoriya wasn't prepared for, but nobody was expecting this. Most of all, Bakugo blamed himself for what happened. He thought maybe if he was more kind growing up, Midoriya would have trusted him and been able to lean on him. He hated himself for letting him go that night. He knew how bad Midoriya was getting. He knew he was falling into a messy spiral, yet he did nothing. That was something the blonde would never forgive himself for.

"Bakugo, it's sunday." Kirishima whined as he knocked on the blondes door repeatedly.
"We're going shopping for our Hosu trip next week, come onnnnn." Kirishima groaned in annoyance as he tried to convince the blonde to come out of his room. 

"I'm not going Shitty Hair!" Bakugo snapped through the door. The red head sighed as he brought his hand down.

"We're worried dude. You haven't come out of your room for anything other than classes." Kirishima said in a whisper. Bakugo couldn't hear him as he looked for a light jacket. He had to do a delivery for his parents today. It was the last thing he had wanted to do, but nobody else could. A client needed this outfit as soon as possible and his parents were out of town until Wednesday.

"Shitty Deku taking up my mind." Bakugo spat to himself as he slipped on the jacket. He quickly ripped open his door to find a sulking Kirishima.

"Bakugo!" The red head exclaimed as he saw his best friend.

"I have to go deliver something for my parents today." Bakugo spat as he shut the door behind him.

"Where you going?" Kirishima asked with curiosity. His red eyes wandered down the blonde's body. He was still maintaining his healthy weight and was still working out. He just looked exhausted all the time. He hasn't gotten much sleep since Midoriya was exposed to be a villain, and everyone could tell.

"The next town over." Bakugo sighed as he slowly made his way to the elevator.

"Isn't that town kind of abandoned?" Kirishima questioned with worry.

"No idiot." Bakugo replied as him and Kirishima stepped onto the elevator. The blonde hit the ground floor button before turning his attention back to the red head. "It's just small and people mind their own damn business." Bakugo spat. "I wouldn't mind being there right now." He mumbled with a slight pout. Kirishima smirked as he playfully hit Bakugo's back.

"You know you love us." He joked as the doors opened to the common room.

"Don't push your luck." Bakugo whispered as he pushed his way out of the elevator. Bakugo quickly walked down the hallway and into the common room.

"You coming Bakugo?" Ashido asked cheerfully as she assumed he was joining them.

"No." Bakugo spat with irritation as he walked past the group and out the door. The blonde just wanted to be left alone, but nobody else understood that. The class watched him walk away with sadness.

"He has to deliver something for his parents today." Kirishima said nervously as the group looked to him for answers.

"Is he going to be okay?" Kaminari asked sadly as he thought about Bakugo's strange behavior.

"I didn't think he cared about Deku so much." Uraraka said sadly as she recalled a story Midoriya told her about himself and Bakugo. Everyone knew that they were kind of friends when they were kids, but nobody knew how much Bakugo still cared for their green haired friend.

"Does he though?" Mineta asked sarcastically.

"Of course he does." Todoroki said with a sigh. "I don't think he would have a panic attack and lock himself in his room over nothing."

"But why would he be so mean to Midoriya if he actually cared?" Mineta questioned in confusion.

"I wish we knew." Kirishima replied sadly as he walked towards the window. He watched his best friend walk away from the dorms with a frown.

"I still don't understand Deku." Uraraka said with a frown. The truth was, nobody did. Nobody understood how the happiest person could fall that hard into the darkness. They knew him, they knew who he was. Nobody could believe that he turned into a villain. Some people had theories that he was kidnapped and Aizawa saw the wrong thing. Some believed he was being black mailed into being there, but nobody could figure out the leverage. The most crazy theory, was that his dad was in The League of Villains and made him come since his mom was no longer there. Nobody came up with the theory that he was a double agent, assigned a mission from All Might and the police. He was only a first year after all, that would be insanely stupid, right?

Sorry it's kind of short! Bigger things are coming soon, we're only getting started❤

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