The Successor

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"When I give you this quirk, you won't get all the ones I currently have." All for One explained as he stared to a determined looking Midoriya. "You will start from scratch with nothing. You will have to build this quirk up yourself." He explained.

"Yes sir." Midoriya replied with a straight face. 

"You will need to go find someone else's quirks to take for yourself."

"Yes sir."

"You won't be able to have as many as me right off the bat either. I don't know for sure how many you will be able to have, but you have to build the quirks strength in order to take more." All for One explained to the green haired man standing in front of him.

"I can do that." Midoriya replied with a smirk. All for One stared at the man in front of him with pride. He truly believed he found the best person to wield his quirk and follow in his footsteps. He truly believed he found the man who could destroy all the heroes and make the world a better place. He didn't know how wrong he was in that moment. He didn't know that this would make his downfall.

"Kneel down." All for One ordered to his new successor. Midoriya quickly followed his masters orders as he knelt down in front of the wheelchair.

"This is going to hurt." He warned as he placed his big hand on Midoriya's forehead. "Are you ready?" He questioned. I have to do this. Midoriya told himself. I could use this quirk in the best way possible. I could bring down the league of villains and use this quirk for good. I could end this all and go home. I could find my dad and stay at UA. I have to do this for myself, my friends and the future of the world. Midoriya gave himself a pep talk in his head before he looked to the man sitting in front of him.

"I was born ready." He replied with a smirk. Nothing could have prepared him for the pain he felt after he finished that sentence. He let out a loud scream at his body felt like Toga used him as a dart board. His body felt like it had caught on fire as he was being stabbed over and over in every inch of his body. His mind kept telling him to pull away, but all he could do is scream in horror as the feeling of his body dying took over. For roughly four more minutes, all that could be heard through out the abandoned warehouse was the sound of the poor boy screaming bloody murder as his body turned weaker and weaker.

The pain eventually began to ease slowly as Midoriya struggled to catch his breath. No words could describe how he was feeling at the moment. His body began to feel sore after All for One removed his hand from his soft green curls which were now drenched in sweat.

"How do you feel?" All for One questioned as Midoriya sat lifeless on the ground.

"Exhausted." Midoriya replied with a weak voice.

"You did well. Depending on the quirk you take or give with this new power depends on how painful it is and how long it takes to transfer." All for One explained as he slowly backed his wheel chair away from the green haired man who was still kneeling on the floor. "Pick a Nomu." His master ordered him as he weakly pointed his right hand towards the line of science experiments.

"For what?" Midoriya questioned as he slowly pushed himself up from the floor.

"You are going to steal their quirk." The man replied with a smirk. Midoriya didn't even need to think about what quirk he wanted. His body moved involuntarily towards Nomu number 18. His legs felt like jello with each step he took, but he wasn't one for giving up. He slowly stopped in front of the horrendous creature with insane muscles and wise fearful eyes.

"Put your hands on his head." All for One ordered. Midoriya nodded his head as he nervously put his hand on the dome that was protecting the Nomu's open brain. "Imagine yourself using that quirk. Imagine that you were born with that quirk and picture yourself using it everyday." Midoriya only nodded his head in reply as he closed his eyes and began imaging what his life would have been like if he didn't get his quirk stolen from him years ago. He imagined himself staying caught up with Bakugo in middle school. He imagined how much easier it would have been to get into UA.

"Now, attempt to pull that quirk into your own body. If you want it, you'll get it." Midoriya nodded his head with his eyes closed and he slowly imagined the energy flow from the Nomu to himself. Within seconds his adrenaline began to pump faster as he felt his energy levels grow. He began to smirk as he still imagined all the amazing things he could do with this new quirk of his. I could use this easily to take down All for One. He thought to himself happily. He continued to absorb the quirk from the Nomu until he no longer felt any new energy. He opened his eyes as he slowly lowered his hand.

"Do you feel any different?" All for One spat towards the green haired man. "Can you feel the new energy running through your veins?" He questioned with a smirk.

"I think so." Midoriya replied.

"Try to use your new quirk." All for One ordered. Use it? I don't know all that much about it. I know it is a combination of my moms telekinesis and my dads fire, but how do I actually use it? Do I just look at something and hope it catches on fire? He questioned to himself as he began looking around the warehouse in search of a target. His eyes landed on an old wooden coat rack next to the main entrance. I better not catch the whole thing on fire. He told himself. I don't know if I can stop it. He closed his eyes and imagined one of the wooden hooks on fire. He was soon disappointed as he opened his eyes and saw nothing had changed.

"Try again." All for One ordered to the confused man. Why didn't that work? Midoriya questioned to himself as he stared at the hook one more. He lifted his hand in the air towards the hook slowly. If I try it like this maybe. He thought to himself. He kept his eyes open as he imagined the hook catching on fire once more. To his surprise, his fantasies became a reality as the hook had caught fire in front of his eyes.

"Is the quirk only strong enough to light that little flame?" All for One scoffed.

"No." Midoriya spat as he slowly lowered his hand with a smirk plastered on his face. "I just thought it would be foolish to set the whole building on fire with our greatest weapons inside." Midoriya spat as he motioned to the line of Nomu's behind him. All for One looked to him in surprise.

"That is why I chose you." All for One replied with a smirk as he turned for the door. "You think things through so it doesn't end in disaster." He said proudly as he began pushing towards the exit. "Put that out. We're done for the day. Start collecting quirks and figure out your limit. The more you use the quirks you steal, the stronger you will become. I'll have someone drop off a file of registered quirks to you." He said right before he exited the building.

Midoriya stared at the spot his master had occupied only a minute before in silence. He finally got it. He finally got the quirk he had been missing for so many years. He held his hand up to the light, carefully examining it. I feel different, but in a good way. Midoriya said happily to himself with a smile. He lowered his hands slowly as he remembered that part of the old wooden coat rack was still on fire. He calmly walked to the mini fridge next to the Nomu station and grabbed a bottle of water. He walked towards the exit, putting out the small fire on his way.

"Now to go meet Toga for a bit, then I can catch up with Kaachan." Midoriya whispered to himself as he stepped into the sunlight.

Not gonna lie, didn't proof read this at all. Sorry, not sorry😂😂

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