Going Nowhere

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Bakugo waited pateniently for the elevator doors to open as his thoughts were consumed by the green haired man. Why does he have an extra bag of packed clothing just sitting by the door? He thought to himself as the doors opened.

"Wasn't expecting to pick you up on floor two." Kirishima said with confusion as Bakugo stepped onto the elevator.

"Tch." Bakugo spat as the doors closed behind him.

"What were you doing?" Kirishima questioned with a knowing smirk.

"Shut up Shitty Hair." Bakugo spat as the elevator arrived onto the fourth floor.

"You could just admit that you are concerned about him." Kirishima said nervously as the two doors slid apart.

"Shut up." Bakugo groaned as he stepped off the elevator. He made his way to his dorm and pulled out his keys. There were only two keys on the keychain, so why did Midoriya have six or seven? Where else was he going?

"Any reason your following me?" Bakugo spat as he pushed his door open.

"Just incase you want to talk." Kirishima shrugged as he stepped inside the room behind his blonde best friend.

"Why would I want to talk?" Bakugo spat as he plopped himself down on his bed.

"Because you haven't told me to go away yet." Kirishima said with a shrug as he pulled the desk chair closer to the bed.

"Tch." Bakugo spat as he leaned back on the wall. Kirishima looked to Bakugo, not saying a word. He knew something was bothering his best friend, but he wasn't going to force it out of him. He decided just being there for him was enough.

"I helped Deku back to his room." Bakugo sighed when he realized Kirishima wasn't going anywhere.

"I gathered that much." Kirishima replied.

"His room is different." Bakugo said in a concerned tone as he turned towards Kirishima.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima questioned in confusion. He had only seen it once at the beginning of the year. He doesn't really remember it much, just that he was a huge All Might fan.

"He has absolutely no hero merch in there." Bakugo said with a sigh. "Not a single poster or figure of All Might." Kirishima's eyes widened. Everybody knew he was a huge All Might fan. He always talked about the limited figures he was able to get his hands on.

"Maybe he is redecorating?" Kirishima questioned, trying to think of anything other than the painful truth.

"I was thinking that too." Bakugo muttered as he looked to Kirishima with sad eyes. "Then I saw he had a bag packed with clothes and necessities sitting by the door."

"For what?" Kirishima questioned with wide eyes. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to know what Bakugo was thinking.

"For whenever he wants to make a run for it." The blonde sighed as he stood from the bed. Bakugo was at a loss for what to do. If he just asked Midoriya, he would just get ignored. He couldn't just ask what was going on.. not after everything the blonde had done to the poor boy. Bakugo walked towards the door quickly, confusing the red head.

"Where are you going?" Kirishima questioned as he stood up.

"The common room. Go to bed idiot." Bakugo spat as he walked out the door and towards the elevator. If he were to run, where would he even go? He questioned to himself as he stepped onto the elevator. To his dad? Bakugo questioned. It would make the most sense since his dad still has custody over him. But nobody really know's where he is, he wouldn't even tell Midoriya. His dad told him he could continue at UA and they would figure out their break arrangements later. Would it be to whoever 'Hands' is? Bakugo questioned as he stepped off the elevator and walked to the common room. He plopped down on the sofa closest to the door.

Three long hours have passed. It was officially 1:30 in the morning and Bakugo was getting exhausted. Maybe I should head up stairs. Bakugo sighed to himself as he stood from the couch. If he hasn't gone anywhere yet, I doubt he is going to. The blonde quietly made his way through the common room towards the hallway containing the elevator. As soon as he stepped into the hallway, he heard the elevator ding, signaling somebody was coming to the common room.

Bakugo stood in anticipation as he waited for somebody to step out. He was hoping with everything he had it wasn't Midoriya. He was soon disappointed as he saw a mop of green hair step out of the elevator. Midoriya turned to walk down the hallway, but soon froze in shock when he met a blonde with piercing red eyes. Bakugo glanced down and saw Midoriya holding his packed bag.

"Going somewhere?" Bakugo spat towards Midoriya. The green haired man rolled his eyes as he walked closer to the blonde. He tried to walk past him, but was unsuccessful as he felt a hand grip his arm. 

"Let go." Midoriya spat with fire as he turned his head towards the blonde. Bakugo stared into his green harsh eyes with worry.

"Where are you going?" Bakugo questioned as he let go of Midoriya.

"Nowhere." Midoriya replied as he walked towards the door.

"You are leaving the dorms at 1:30 with a bag, but going nowhere?" Bakugo spat as he followed Midoriya to the front door.

"Exactly." Midoriya said as he slipped his shoes on.

"Then I'll go nowhere with you." Bakugo shrugged as he located his shoes, quickly slipping them on.

"Fine." Midoriya spat as he ripped the door open, stepping out into the chilly air. Bakugo followed the boy in silence. What the hell is he doing? What are his plans? Bakugo asked himself as they walked to the security gate. Midoriya flung the bag off his shoulder and gently set it down outside the gate.

"What are you doing?" Bakugo asked as Midoriya turned back towards the dorms.

"A friend needed some stuff, so I set it there for them. They'll grab it later." Midoriya said with a sigh as he walked towards the dorms.

"What friend?" Bakugo asked with clenched fists since he knew the boy didn't have any other friends.

"Don't worry about it." Midoriya replied coldly as they made their way back to the dorms.

"Dammit Deku!" Bakugo yelled as he reached for Midoriya's arm. "We are just trying to help you!" Bakugo yelled towards his child hood friend.

"I don't need your help." Midoriya replied while ripping his arm out of Bakugo's reach.

"What other friends Deku?" Bakugo asked as Midoriya opened the front door to the common room.

"It doesn't matter." Midoriya spat while taking his shoes off. Bakugo started at the green haired man. Midoriya was never this harsh or cocky. He knew that Inko had died a few weeks ago, but damn. Midoriya had changed to a completely different person. The light in his eyes had died as did the fire in his soul. He always looked tired and depressed. Everybody was worried about him, even Bakugo.

"It does matter." Bakugo spat as he took a step towards Midoriya. "Please, just let us help you. Everybody is worried." Bakugo whispered. He could feel his heart break more and more the longer he looked at the boy in front of him.

"I don't want your worry. I don't want anybody's pity." Midoriya spat with hatred. His once soft eyes were harsh and his smile was non existent.

"We're not trying to fucking pity you Deku! We know you are going through a hard time! I'm just worried okay?" Bakugo said with urgency. Fuck, I just said I'm worried. Hopefully he won't catch that. Bakugo thought to himself as Midoriya began to laugh.

"Y-you're w-worried?" Midoriya chocked out in between his laughs.

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