Talking Sense

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Bakugo was waiting patiently at the train station for the late night train around 1am. He was still anxious about whoever was about to step off the train. If it was anyone other than Midoriya, Bakugo was screwed. Not also him, but Midoriya as well. If the league stepped off the train, it means Bakugo got Midoriya caught. The blonde didn't know if he could handle being the reason the freckled man was caught and possibly killed. Bakugo's heart began beating faster as the train pulled into the station. He was leaning against a nearby wall, waiting for his fate.

The doors slid open and a few amount of people walked out. It was one in the morning, so it wasn't terrible busy. Bakugo waited anxiously as the last person stepped off the train. He was wearing a pair of black dress slacks with emerald green shoes. He had a green zip up sweatshirt covering his top half with a hood hiding his face. He slowly lifted his head and skimmed the area. When his head stopped on Bakugo, the blonde's heart skipped a beat as he saw one red eye and one green eye staring back at him.

Midoriya slowly made his way towards Bakugo. The blonde's heart rate picked up as a small smile tugged at his lips. He knew he had feelings for Midoriya. He didn't understand why or where they came from, but he couldn't deny them anymore. The freckled man stopped in front of Bakugo slowly.

"Follow me, be quiet." He said before turning towards the door to the outside. Bakugo followed him out the door in confusion. He followed Midoriya through the empty streets in silence. They walked the short four minute walk without saying a word to one another as they landed in front of Midoriya's apartment building. The walk was only four minutes, but Bakugo felt like they had been walking for hours. He hated being quiet, they had so many things they needed to talk about.

"Come on." Midoriya said as he quickly climbed the stairs to his apartment door. He shoved the key inside before turning the knob, granting them access to the empty apartment. They quickly walked inside as Midoriya flipped on the light.

"You didn't tell anyone you were coming?" Midoriya questioned as he shut the door.

"No. I left before curfew, everyone probably assume's I am in my dorm sleeping." Bakugo replied as he made his way to the small kitchen table.

"Perfect." Midoriya replied with a smirk as unzipped his jacket, removing it completely. He was wearing his classic villain outfit which consisted of his signature emerald green vest, white button up shirt and black tie. His hair fell loosely down his head instead of the bun Bakugo saw it in previously. His beautiful green hair fell in lose waves about two inches below his shoulders in a masculine way.

"Close your mouth." Midoriya said aloud with a smirk. "You'll catch flies."

"Tch." Bakugo spat as Midoriya took his place across the table from the blonde. "You can drop the tough guy villain act when it is just us idiot." Bakugo spat as he pictured Midoriya crying every hour at UA.

"It's not an act Kaachan." Midoriya challenged. "I may not be a real villain, but I am not the same person I was before my mom died." He replied sadly. "You know how in T.V. shows, someone has to die for the character development for someone else? Think of it like that. This is my character development." He said with a smirk.

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." Bakugo was hoping it was an act and that Midoriya would slowly turn back to himself. He was hoping that him being attracted to his childhood friend would disappear if he did, but that was now a dead end.

"What did you want to talk about?" Midoriya questioned, changing the subject.

"I think you already know." Bakugo spat as Midoriya stared into his bright red eyes.

"I have a hunch." Midoriya replied with a smirk. "You talked to your mom about going undercover and she said no." Midoriya said in a knowing voice. Bakugo simply scoffed at how cocky and confident the green haired man was being.

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