The Attack

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"Everyone! Back to the bus immediately!" Aizawa's voice echo'd through the small forest area next to the lake side training camp. The once beautiful scenery was ablaze with flames as smoke filled the air. Fire was everywhere and the smoke was all that could be smelled in the area. The League of Villains had made their appearance at last. Shigaraki had his hands full with Midnight and All Might. Since All Might was a retired hero with almost no quirk, he didn't pose much of a threat.

Toga was trying to corner Uraraka and Tsu in attempt to get their blood once more. Meanwhile, Bakugo and Kirishima had their hands full with Spinner. All the other students were already evacuating to the busses. Uraraka and Tsu tried to fight through to the other's, but Toga was very persistent.

"I just want some of that yummy blood!" Toga yelled with a cynical smile as she lunged for Uraraka.

"You're really creeping me out!" Uraraka shrieked as she was pulled out of the way by Tsu's tongue.

"If you would just stay still, we would already be done." Toga complained as she landed on the ground in the spot that Uraraka once occupied. The brunette sighed in relief as she landed in front of Tsu.

"Stop running!" Toga shrieked as she lunged for Uraraka and Tsu once more. Uraraka quickly turned towards Tsu and activated her quirk. She sent Tsu into the air while Tsu wrapped her tongue around Uraraka, pulling her with her.

"Not so fast!" Toga yelled as she jumped onto Uraraka's leg, floating towards the sky with the duo.

"Get off!" Uraraka yelled as he began kicking towards the blonde who was currently climbing up her leg. The brunette began to feel trapped as they were floating about 20 feet into the air. Tsu's tongue was suffocating her upper half while there was a deranged blonde climbing on her lower half.

"I just want some blood!" Toga yelled as she brought the small knife up to Tsu's tongue and slid it across the rough surface. Tsu yelped out in pain, which gave Uraraka all the strength and courage she needed. She kicked her left leg on Toga as hard as she could. The blonde's grip loosened as she struggled to hold on. Uraraka sent one more kick, causing the blonde to fall 20 feet into the flaming forest. Uraraka's eyes widened as she watched the blonde fall from her view. This is what it means to be a hero. You can't get held up on the fact that people are going to die. They're villains. Uraraka told herself as she slowly let off her quirk, allowing Tsu to land them in a nearby tree.

"Are you okay Tsu?" Uraraka questioned quickly as she turned towards her friend.

"Ribbit, it's just a small cut." Tsu said quietly. "I'll be fine." Uraraka sighed in relief as she struggled to keep her balance on the thick tree branch. Both girls turned their heads as they heard a loud explosion from further up the path.

"Was that Bakugo?" Tsu questioned as she tilted her head, trying to get a better view.

"Let's go find out!" Uraraka yelled as she jumped the four feet to the ground. As soon as her feet touch the dirt, she took off at full speed towards the explosion. Everyone, please be okay! Uraraka pleaded in her head as she turned to make Tsu was behind her. She smiled to herself as she saw Tsu running on all fours. She turned forward once more and ran as fast as she could.

Another minute later, she entered the area where the explosion had come from. She slowed down as she carefully began to scan the area. The smoke was making it harder to see anything, but from what she could tell, nobody was there. She walked slowly through the area while her eyes scanned every inch of her surrounding.

"Ribbit?" Tsu questioned, grabbing Uraraka's attention. "Who is that?" She questioned as she walked to the right of Uraraka. The brunette turned to follow, leading to a green animal looking man knocked out on the ground.

"That's spinner." Uraraka said quietly as she examined the body.

"Who knocked him out?" Tsu questioned.

"It had to be Bakugo." Uraraka replied as she started scanning the area once more. "It was a big explosion, so he couldn't have been this close." Uraraka mumbled as she slowly walked away from Spinner. She took about 14 steps in the opposite direction before she gasped at the sight in front of her. Bakugo and Kirishima were sprawled across the ground. Both boys had small scraps and bruises covering their faces and torso's.

"Over here!" Uraraka yelled as she bent down and grabbed Kirishima's wrist. The contact made the red head slowly open his eyes.

"Uraraka?" Kirishima questioned in a raspy voice.

"Oh good." Uraraka replied with a shaky breath. "I'm glad your okay." She said with a faint smile as she looked to the face of the bruised red head.

"I'm fine." Kirishima said as he slowly sat up. "Bakubro managed to finish Spinner off. I black out right after that." Kirishima explained as he looked around the burning woods. His eyes landed on the unconscious man next to him. "Bakubro!" Kirishima exclaimed as he reached his hand out to the blonde. He yelped in pain as he brought his hand back to his side quickly. He used his other hand to clutch his rib cage in pain.

"We need to get you to back to the bus." Uraraka said as she grabbed onto Bakugo's wrist. She paused for a few seconds before letting out a sigh of relief. "He has a steady heart beat." She said as she stood from her spot. "He just passed out from exhaustion." She explained as she reached her hand to Kirishima, gently helping him up. "Can you walk?" She questioned as the red head stumbled on to his feet.

"I think so." He replied while trying to take a step forward. His knee buckled under his weight as he went crashing back to the cold dirt.

"Kirishima!" Uraraka exclaimed as she bent down to the red head.

"I can help him walk if you float Bakugo back." Tsu said as she leaned down to the duo. She quickly snaked her arm under her shoulder and helped Kirishima back to his standing position.

"Right." Uraraka said quietly as gently touched Bakugo's bare chest. A few seconds later, he began to float a few feet in the air. She grabbed his hand and began pulling him behind her as Tsu helped Kirishima through the woods.

"Have you guys seen anyone else?" Kirishima questioned as they made their way through the burning woods.

"No." Uraraka said sadly. "I hope everyone else is okay." She mumbled. They walked in silence for the remaining ten minutes. As soon as they hit the clearing for the bus, the smoke grew thinner as the rest of the class and pro's came into view.

"Uraraka! Tsu!" Iida yelled as he ran over to his friends with Kaminari following directly behind him.

"Bakugo! Kirishima!" The blonde yelled as he ran to his red head friend. He put his arm under the other side of him to help support him a little more.

"Hey Kaminari!" Kirishima replied in a cheerful voice.

"Is Bakugo okay?" Ashido questioned from beside Aizawa.

"I think so." Uraraka said sadly as she gently released Bakugo to the ground.

"What happened?" Aizawa questioned as he bent down to inspect his student.

"Bakugo and Kirishima defeated Spinner." She explained as she turned towards the police. "If you follow the trail for ten minutes, you should find him on the ground." She explained. "If you walk another five minutes, you may or may not find Toga as well."

"What happened with Toga?" Aizawa questioned as he pulled Bakugo into his arms.

"She was fighting Tsu and I when I floated us into the air." Uraraka began explaining. "She jumped onto my legs as we began floating, I eventually kicked her off and she fell into the fire." She said quietly, guilt still punching her in the chest. "I don't know what happened to her. We saw an explosion and figured it was Bakugo."

"You did good kid." Aizawa said with a small smile. Uraraka nodded her head in understanding. Aizawa turned to the rest of the class. "Everyone on the bus!" He yelled. As the class began shuffling their feet to board the bus, Uraraka pulled out her phone. She quickly dialed Midoriya's number as she put the phone up to her ear. She had to tell him what happened and tell him about Bakugo. She was soon disappointed at the end of the eighth ring as the call went to voicemail.

"Deku.." Her voice trailed off in disappointment.

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