The Bus Ride

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"Okay class!" Aizawa yelled as he stood by the entrance to the dorms. "Remember you are hero's in training." He groaned as he looked to the Bakusquad. Kirishima held his thumbs up with a giant grin, causing Aizawa to let out a heavy sigh.

"Everybody ready?" All Might asked from the open door.

"Deku isn't here yet." Uraraka said sadly as she looked to the ground. She stayed on the couch the whole night, and he never came home from his walk. A few class mates had attempted to call him, but never got a reply. If they weren't worried before, they definitely are now.

"Young Midoriya isn't coming." All Might said aloud. The class looked to him with shocked expressions. Even if he was going through a hard time, nobody was expecting him to miss the trip.

"Let's go." Aizawa spat as he turned towards the door. The class frowned as they drug their bags out the door with them. They slowly loaded the bus with nothing but the green haired man on their mind. Everybody quickly found their usual seats. Uraraka frowned as she looked to the empty spot next to her. Where is he? Why didn't he come back? Uraraka questioned to herself as she pulled out her phone. She dialed Midoriya's number before hesitating. He probably doesn't want to talk. She thought to herself sadly. He hasn't answered anybody.. Her voice trailed off in her mind as she pressed call. I have to know he's okay.

She put the phone up to her ear as she held her breath. The phone rang and rang. She let off a heavy sigh as her chest began to hurt. She pulled the phone away from her ear on the fifth ring, feeling completely hopeless. She was about to hang up when she heard a distant 'hello' echo through the phone. He heart skipped a beat as she pulled the phone back to her ear. She let out a sigh of relief as she heard breathing coming through the phone.

"Hello?" Midoriya questioned, causing the brunette to smile. Her smile soon vanished as rage took over her body.

"Where the hell are you?" Uraraka yelled, gathering the classes attention. Uraraka rarely cussed, so everybody was now paying attention.

"W-what?" Midoriya asked in shock from hearing his best friends choice of words.

"You just up and disappeared! You never came home last night or answered anybody's calls!" Uraraka yelled as Iida leaned over the back of his seat to face Uraraka.

"Put it on speaker." He mumbled when he realized who she was talking to, quietly so Midoriya couldn't hear on the other end. Uraraka nodded as she pulled the phone away from her ear. She quickly pressed the speaker button before Midoriya's voice echo'd throughout the bus.

"I-I needed to cool off." Midoriya said sadly.

"You can't just disappear on us like that! We were worried Deku!" Uraraka lectured through the phone.

"I don't need your worry!" Midoriya spat back with fire. The classes eyes widened at Midoriya's harsh voice. Nobody ever expected him to lash out like that towards his best friend. "I can take care of myself." He said sternly through the phone.

"I-I know you can Deku." Uraraka said sadly. "That doesn't mean that we won't worry about you. You mean a lot to us.. we can't stand to see you hurt like this." Uraraka said as tears fell down her face. Midoriya frowned on the other end of the phone as he could hear the silent sobs coming through the phone.

"You guys at the training camp yet?" Midoriya asked, trying to change the subject. The class was shocked that Midoriya had wanted to continue the conversation. They were expecting him to lash out some more before he hung up.

"No, we just left." Uraraka said as the tears streaming down her face halted.

"How long is the drive again? Two hours?" Midoriya questioned.

"Three." Uraraka replied as a strange voice echo'd through the phone.

"Izuku! Come on!" A high pitched voice yelled.

"I'll be there in a minute babe!" He yelled back. "Look Uraraka, I have to go." Midoriya said sadly into the phone. Truth was, he missed talking to his best friend.

"D-Deku? W-where are you?" Uraraka asked as the whole class was still in shock about him calling someone 'babe.'

"With some friends. I am doing private training this weekend. I'll see you guys on Monday." He said nervously.

"Promise?" Uraraka whispered slowly.

"Of course." He replied happily. "Keep me updated on your weekend."

"O-of course." Uraraka said as a subtle blush covered her cheeks.

"Bye." Midoriya said sadly.

"Bye." Uraraka replied before the phone call ended. Uraraka slowly looked up to Iida with worry.

"Babe?" She questioned quietly.

"I-I didn't know Midoriya was seeing anybody." Iida stuttered as he pushed his glass up.

"I don't think anybody did." Tsu said sadly as she looked out her window.

"But why didn't he tell us?" Ashido mumbled quietly from the back of the bus. Everybody grew silent as they questioned if they really knew their friend at all.

"I recognize that voice." Todoroki said as he massaged his temples, desperately trying to remember where he heard her voice.

"It did sound kind of familiar." Tokoyami agree'd. The class desperately racked their brains trying to connect a face to the high pitched voice they heard as the bus made it's way to it's designated location. Bakugo stayed silent during the bus ride thinking about his fight with Midoriya. He pulled out his phone, deciding he had enough of the silence. He quickly went to his texts and clicked on the green haired mans name.

Bakugo- Where the fuck you at?

Deku- Like I said, a friends.

Bakugo- When did you say that?

Deku- I'm not stupid. You can tell when you are on speaker. I'll be back Monday, don't worry about me.

Bakugo scoffed as he read the texts. So the nerd really isn't stupid? He questioned with a smirk. He stared at the last text for a moment deciding what to reply. He didn't want to start another fight to where Midoriya didn't come back, so he decided against telling him to come home now.

Bakugo- See you Monday shitty Deku. You better be training your ass of.

Bakugo slipped his phone back into his pocket with satisfaction. At least he isn't ignoring me. Bakugo thought to himself as he let out a heavy sigh. The entire bus ride, he couldn't get Midoriya out of his head.

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