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"Hey Kaachan." Midoriya said nervously as he stepped into the room. The blonde looked to the green haired man from his bed. Their eyes connected for a brief second before Bakugo turned his head towards the window with a slight sigh. "You wanted to see me?" Midoriya asked in confusion towards his friend. Bakugo had no rage or fire burning in his eyes. He just looked sad and confused.

"Where were you this weekend?" Bakugo asked quietly while continuing to stare out the window.

"I told you, I was with some friends." Midoriya replied with a shrug.

"What friends?" Bakugo spat.

"It doesn't matter." Midoriya replied coldly as he walked closer to Bakugo. "How are you feeling?" He asked sadly as he looked over Bakugo's injured form. His hands and arms were bandaged from the top to the bottom. He had some minor bruises scattered across his chest and face.

"I would be feeling better if your friends didn't attack me." Bakugo spat coldly as he turned his head to Midoriya. The green haired man's jaw dropped as his eyes grew big. He couldn't have figured it out already. I have tried to be extremely careful, where did I go wrong? Midoriya questioned as he stared to Bakugo.

"What are you talking about Kaachan?" Midoriya asked with the most innocent voice he could use.

"Hands is Shigaraki." Bakugo spat coldly. Midoriya frowned as he realized he was done for. Bakugo knew, and soon would everyone else. "And the girl you called 'babe' would be Toga." Bakugo said through clenched teeth. Midoriya didn't answer as he pulled out his phone. He quickly brought up his messages before finding Shigaraki's name.

Midoriya- I need warp gate behind UA in 5 minutes. Don't reply, just know I can't be here any longer.

Midoriya quickly hit the send button before activating his quirk in his hands. He squeezed his phone as hard as he could, smashing it to pieces. If he was already figured out, he would at least have to play the part. He opened his hand and watched the pieces fall to the ground, littering the tile.

"When did you figure it out?" Midoriya questioned with a sadistic smirk. Bakugo's eyes widened in shock as he realized his theory was true.

"When we got attacked." Bakugo mumbled as he looked to the ground. "I heard Toga's voice and it sounded familiar to the one we heard through pink cheeks phone." Bakugo said coldly as he brought his gaze back to Midoriya. His green curls were falling perfectly on his forehead, making it hard for Bakugo to concentrate.

"You came to that conclusion after hearing a voice?" Midoriya scoffed.

"I became suspicious after that." Bakugo replied. "I started connecting more pieces too. Like Shigaraki is hands. Have you seen the idiot?" Bakugo scoffed as he clenched his fists. He was talking to a villain, but it didn't feel any different than talking to a friend. "You dropped that bag off for a friend." Bakugo spat as he recalled the night of their fight. "You wouldn't tell us who the friends were, which means you couldn't afford for us to find out. It had to be The League of Villains. Nothing else made sense." Bakugo finished as he looked to Midoriya's cold green eyes. "Tell me I'm wrong." Bakugo spat as he finished proving his point.

"I can't d-"

"Tell me I'm wrong!" Bakugo pleaded as he gently pushed himself from the bed. He took a few steps towards Midoriya, stopping a few feet in front of him. "Tell me.." Bakugo's voice trailed off as he watched Midoriya's eyes sadden. The sadness only lasted a second before it turned to rage.

"We both know I can't tell you that." Midoriya spat with venom.

"Why?" Bakugo spat as he clenched his fists in anger. Why would the kid who never gave up on being a hero give up now? Midoriya was quirkless his entire life. Yet he still pushed through, he still tried to become a hero.

"Why what?" Midoriya questioned.

"Why did you join The League of Villains?"

"I'm tired of hearing about Hero's saving people all the time. Nobody every thinks about the one's that they can't save." Midoriya replied simply with a small shrug.

"So this is about your mom?" Bakugo questioned with anger. "You were hurting, so you joined the people who are trying to kill hero's?" Bakugo spat. "Were we not enough? You have plenty of people who care about you! Why the fuck would you turn to the villain side Deku? We could have helped you, but instead you turned to the wrong side!" Bakugo yelled as tears fell down his cheeks. Their argument was soon interrupted by loud alarms ringing throughout the school grounds.

Midoriya quickly rushed to the window to peer outside. He saw around a dozen police men and all the pro's on campus walking to the door. Perfect timing. He thought to himself with a sad smile. I almost broke down in front of Kaachan and ruined the entire plan. He sighed as he pushed himself away from the window.

"You already told them?" Midoriya asked with an evil smirk.

"No actually, I didn't." Bakugo replied in confusion.

"They figured it out quickly then." Midoriya said as he walked past Bakugo towards the door. The blonde reached out and grabbed Midoriya's arm.

"It isn't too late to come back to the right side." Bakugo hissed towards him. Midoriya smirked before turning to face Bakugo. His green eyes met the blondes sharp red ones as Midoriya pulled his arm from Bakugo's grasp. Midoriya quickly moved his fist as quickly as he could, without his quirk, towards Bakugo's stomach. The blonde groaned as soon as Midoriya's fist met his skin.

"I am on the right side." Midoriya spat before he turned and darted down the hallway. He ran as far from the front door as he could. The echo's of footsteps on the stair case echo'd through the entire school. I have to get out of here. Midoriya thought to himself in slight panic before turning into a random class room at the back of the building. He stumbled over desks as he ran for the window across the room. He looked out the window and saw a small blue light shining behind the wall almost directly in front of him. He quickly looked behind him as the sound of the foot steps grew louder. He quickly pushed the window open before propping himself onto the windowsill.

He charged one for all as he took a deep breath. I can use my quirk at 19%. If I use it at 21%, I could made this jump. It might hurt me and make me sore for a few more days, but it shouldn't break my bones. Midoriya thought to himself as he heard his heart beat louder. He took a deep breath before using his legs to push off from the window. He could hear the class room door open as he took off. He was only hoping he was fast enough to make this getaway.

He was flying through the air, determined to get to the other side. Almost there. He thought to himself as he reached his hands out to gather the ledge of the security gate. He stopped flying through the air as he began falling. What's happening? Midoriya questioned as his hand landed on top of the gate. He turned his head to see Aizawa standing in the window, his hair rising. Midoriya's eyes widened as he watched police run across the grounds at full speed. He used all the strength he had without a quirk and pulled himself up the wall.

"Come on Midoriya!" Dabi yelled from the other side.

"I'm coming." Midoriya panted as he reached the top of the wall. He looked down with a smirk as he saw Dabi standing next to the open warp gate.

"Let's go." Dabi said as he motioned his hand through the air. Midoriya quickly jumped down from the 20 foot wall onto the cold grass. As soon as his feet hit the cold ground, his knee buckled under the pressure. I definitely pushed myself a bit with that jump. Midoriya thought to himself as he stood up and headed directly for the warp gate.

"Midoriya!" The green haired man stopped right before the warp gate and turned on his heel. His eyes met Aizawa's as he frowned. His teacher called his name in a worried tone, not an angry tone. For a second, and only a second, Midoriya thought about running towards Aizawa and pulling Dabi with him. He then remembered he had a bigger goal in mind. He stepped backwards through the gate, watching Aizawa disappear from his vision as the gate closed in front of him.

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