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"Where the hell have you been?" Dabi questioned with urgency as the green haired man stumbled into the hotel room with dry blood crusted to his face.

"Don't worry about it." Midoriya replied with a shaky sigh as he pulled down his hood, revealing his busted lip.

"What the hell happened?" Bakugo questioned as he flung himself from the bed to the freckled mans side.

"Don't worry about it." Midoriya spat once more. "I got the quirk I needed."

"Did you kill him?" Dabi questioned with wide eyes. Whenever Midoriya went to get a quirk, he never came back like this.

"Of course not." Midoriya replied with a laugh. "This is my own blood, I promise."

"What happened?" Bakugo questioned as he stared to the freckled man with worry.

"It doesn't matter." Midoriya replied as he walked towards the blonde. "I need to give you something." Midoriya said nervously as he stopped in front of the man he cared so much about. "Get on your knees please." He ordered with a strict tone. Bakugo smirked towards him as he did what he asked. Everyone who knew Bakugo however, knew he couldn't do it without a sarcastic reply.

"I didn't think the first time you told me to go on my knees would be in front of Dabi, but this works I guess." He replied with a smirk as Dabi couldn't hold in the laugh.

"K-Kaachan!" Midoriya exclaimed with a bright red face as Bakugo fell to his knees. "Dabi, don't encourage him!" Midoriya scolded at the laughing man across the room.

"Not that I mind, but why am I on my knees?" Bakugo questioned.

"Because I need to give you some quirks." Midoriya replied with a sad smile as he brought his hand to Bakugo's head. Truth is, he has been doing nothing but debating on giving him any at all. He didn't want Bakugo to get hurt or anything. He wanted the fiery blonde to stay back, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. The least he could do was give him a fighting chance in the battle. Midoriya slowly began transferring one quirk after another to the blonde sitting in front of him. He took his time since he was transferring certain percentages. He didn't want to accidently transfer too much.

"How do you feel?" Midoriya questioned with a small smile as he dropped his hand.

"The same way I did before." Bakugo replied with confusion as he watched the freckled man carefully.

"I promise, you are not the same as you were before." Midoriya replied as he held his hand down to the blonde. Bakugo smiled as he took his hand.

"So what did you give me?" Bakugo questioned as the green haired man pulled him from his kneeling position on the floor.

"I gave you 10% of One for All, anymore than that would do serious damage. You might still break a bone, but we'll work on that." Midoriya replied quietly. "I gave you 50% of a quirk enhancer, 33% of my protection barrier, 33% of Super Senses, 33% of restoration, 10% of hardening, and 50% of erasure." Midoriya replied.

"Gonna explain what they all do?" Bakugo spat.

"The quirk enhancer is self explanatory. You don't need to activate it, it is already in use." Midoriya said with a heavy sigh as he began explaining. "The protection barrier is literally an invisible barrier that emits towards the direction you point your hands. You should already know what super senses is." Midoriya replied with a smirk as Bakugo's face grew red. Of course he did, Midoriya heard all the embarrassing things Bakugo had said during the Hosu trip.

"Restoration allows you to undo any damage to someone that has been done in the last few minutes. It could only be used twice a day, but with us all having it, I don't know how it is going to work yet." The green haired man explained towards the duo. "Hardening is Kirishima's quirk, so you should know what that does." Midoriya said nervously as he recalled his conversation with the red head.

"You want to borrow some of my quirk?" Kirishima questioned in confusion as him and Midoriya stood in the bedroom.

"Yes." Midoriya replied nervously. "I want to borrow thirty percent of it. I will then give you 50% of a quirk enhancer so you won't really be losing power."

"Why my quirk?" Kirishima questioned as he looked to the freckled man.

"I want it so Dabi and Kaachan can protect themselves more when we fight All for One." Midoriya explained. "It would be a really great help for blocking attacks. It would be the perfect quirk to help assist the several other one's I have been planning to assi-"

"Midoriya, stop mumbling!" Kirishima exclaimed with a happy smile as he watched the green haired man pull himself from his own mind. "If it will help in anyway, of course you can. You are the one's putting your life on the line to battle, you deserve it." Kirishima exclaimed as he playfully punched Midoriya in the arm. The green haired man smiled in reply.

"Oh wait, another thing." Midoriya said suddenly as he reached his hand into his pocket. "I am going to give you something extremely weird that I need you to hold onto with your life." Midoriya said with a serious tone as he handed over a smile vile with a strand of green hair.

"Is this your hair?" Kirishima questioned as he took the vile from his hand.

"Yes. I need you to protect it with your life. If I don't make it through this, tell All Might I gave it to you." Midoriya said sadly as he looked to the ground. He knew there was a possibility he wasn't going to make it out alive and he needed to prepare for that.

"Why?" Kirishima questioned in utter confusion.

"I can't tell you now, just hold onto it." He whispered as he walked towards the door. "Also, don't tell Kaachan or Dabi about it either." Midoriya replied quietly, ending the discussion.

"He let you borrow his quirk?" Bakugo questioned in shock, pulling Midoriya away from his flash back.

"Y-yes. I took 30% of it and gave him half of a quirk enhancer so he wouldn't really lose any power." Midoriya explained. "And Erasu-"

"You don't need to explain that one to me either." Bakugo said with a sigh. "I know that one all too well." Midoriya frowned sadly at the blonde. He knew what Bakugo was thinking. He had the same thoughts after all. He was struggling to decide whether this was the hero thing to do or if it was the villainous way.

"Your turn." Midoriya said as he turned towards Dabi. He couldn't afford to be thinking of stuff like that. The attack was going to come soon and he needed his head in the right place. There couldn't he a single mistake.

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