New Recruit

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"Guys!" Midoriya yelled to the league as he walked into the dusty living room. "We have a new recruit today." Midoriya said proudly as he gathered the few people's attentions.

"Does master know you're recruiting?" Shigaraki spat from behind the hand plastered to his face.

"He insisted." Midoriya spat back through clenched teeth. There was always tension between Midoriya and Shigaraki and everyone knew why. Shigaraki was jealous that Midoriya had taken over the heart of their master. Shigaraki had tried several times to prove Midoriya was a traitor inside the league, but he never had any luck. Midoriya was careful not to make stupid mistakes.

"Who is it?" Toga asked happily as she walked towards her boyfriend.

"Katsuki Bakugo." Midoriya said, signaling for Bakugo to enter the room.

"Explodie boy!" Toga cheered as she ran over to him. "It's nice to see you again!" She cheered as she quickly tried to move her hand towards his face. Midoriya quickly reached his arm out and grabbed her wrist since he knew all of her dirty tricks. Damn, his reflexes are fast. Bakugo thought to himself.

"Toga, what have we said about cutting members of the league?" Midoriya questioned with a heavy sigh.

"That I shouldn't be injuring our members no matter how small of an injury it is." She groaned as Midoriya dropped her hand.

"Go to your room." Midoriya spat towards the crazy blonde.

"But Izukuuu." She whined. Midoriya turned his head to meet her yellow eyes.

"Go." He ordered. Toga stared at him with a hurt expression before she let off a wide smile.

"You should join me." She sang flirtatiously as she began walking towards the stairs.

"I have a meeting with master soon." Midoriya spat behind him. He heard the foot steps stop and he knew she was upset. He didn't really care for anyone here, but he still had a part to play. "I'll come visit you after that." He said with a smile as he turned towards her. Her eyes lit up instantly as she nodded her head happily. "If you're good." He said with a smirk. Toga nodded her head once more before darting up the stairs. She didn't want to give him any time to change his mind.

"So Bakugo." Shigaraki spat as he brought his hands to his own neck. "What made you decide to join us now?" He questioned as he began scratching furiously.

"I have seen how weak the hero's are." Bakugo spat. "They're weak and fake as fuck and I want nothing more than to prove how phony they really are." He spat. Midoriya and him worked out their plan and speeches before they came to the league today. They really couldn't afford to mess anything up.

"Good answer." Dabi nodded towards him. "I'm Dabi." He said while staring at the blonde. He was silently hoping Bakugo would catch on and pretend this is the first time they officially met. Bakugo had previously met Shigaraki and Kurogiri, but Dabi was still new to the league, so they had only met once.

"Bakugo." The blonde spat in reply as he stared across the dirty, dusty room. His eyes glanced between the few people in the room with wonder. Is this really all the people they have? The blonde questioned to himself.

"I have to go." Midoriya said aloud, pulling Bakugo from his thoughts. "I have to meet master." He said as he turned towards Bakugo. He could see the fear hiding deep in his beautiful red eyes. "Dabi will show you to your room and everything else." Midoriya said as he walked up to the side of Bakugo. "Don't look so scared. They can tell from a mile away." Midoriya warned quietly so only Bakugo could here. "I'll be back as soon as I can." The green haired man yelled behind him as he walked out the door.

Bakugo stood in an awkward silence in front of a few villains that he didn't trust one bit. He trusted Dabi, but he didn't care for him. Bakugo knew that he was just being jealous, but he couldn't help it. He hated when he saw how close him and Midoriya had gotten.

"I'll go show you to your room while Kurogiri makes lunch." Dabi said as he walked towards the blonde.

"Who said I'm making lunch? I'm not your butler." Kutogiri yelled after him.

"Then what good are you?" Dabi yelled back as he led Bakugo towards the stairs.

"Do you guys always talk to each other like that?" Bakugo questioned as he followed the dark haired man up the stairs.

"Pretty much. Don't forget, this is our family." Dabi said with a shrug as he reached the top of the stairs.

"Some family." Bakugo muttered to himself quietly as he looked around the hallway. This place is a dump. Bakugo thought to himself as he looked to the off white wallpaper that was being to tear in several places.

"If you go to the right, you'll find Spinner's, Shigaraki's, Twice's and Kurogiri's room." Dabi explained as he pointed to the right end of the hallway. "If you come over to the left of the stairs, Toga's room is the first door on the left." Dabi said as he pointed to the dark door that had a few knives sticking out of it. "At the end of the hall to the right is my room." Dabi said as he walked down to the end of the hall. Bakugo looked around it, feeling completely overwhelmed. He didn't know what to do without the green haired man by his side. He didn't know how the league operated and didn't want to get caught up in anything.

"Izu's room is the second door on the right." Dabi said as he pointed to the dark door two doors down from Dabi's room. "And your room is the one between mine and Izu's." Bakugo started at his own door, curious of what was in there. He knew he at least had a bed, but he wasn't sure of anything else. He hesitantly walked to the door and set his hand in the doorknob. His heart had been beating fast ever since he arrived there just a few minutes ago. You have a mission to do. Snap out of it and get your head where it needs to be. Bakugo snapped to himself as he slowly pushed the door open.

The smell of the musty abandoned room hit his nostrils like a brick. He flinched at the smell as he took a few steps in to the center of the room, the floor creaking quietly beneath his feet. His eyes began to wander around the room slowly. The wallpaper was the same as it was throughout the rest of the building that he had seen. The was a small bed in the left corner of the room with an old wooden desk next to it. There was a dresser with four drawers, although the top two had been broken previously. The room seemed so bare compared to everything else he had ever known.

"It isn't much, but you can fix it up however you want." Dabi said quietly as he leaned in the doorway.

"How the hell do you even fix up a room like this?" Bakugo spat as he turned to face the dark haired man. 

"I didn't do anything to mine honestly." Dabi replied with a shrug. "I just ended up getting a new dresser and new blankets for my bed. Izu pretty much got all new furniture." Bakugo clenched his fists as he heard that nickname for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"Why do you call him that anyway?" Bakugo questioned with anger.

"Izu?" Dabi replied teasingly.

"Yes idiot." Bakugo groaned as he became more angry.

"Don't worry kid. Nobody is trying to steal him from you, except maybe Toga." He said with a small smile. "We just decided we would be kind of like brother's since neither of us really have family anymore." Dabi replied sadly to the sulking blonde in the center of the room. "He helped me out of the darkness I had put myself in and I helped him stay as sane as possible."

"Is it hard to stay sane here?" Bakugo questioned quietly so nobody else could hear.

"It's not that it's hard to stay sane." Dabi stated as he walked closer to the blonde. "It's just that the league treats you so well, sometimes you forget we're villains."

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