The Hosu Attack

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Eight slow days had passed since the first incident. Eight days of following the group closely behind. Midoriya had earned himself the name of Hosu Guardian Angel, Arrow. He saved the class several times, and it didn't go unnoticed. Nobody suspected who is was though, or they didn't talk about it at least. Eight days that Bakugo and Midoriya spent by each others sides. Eight days they had to work out the plan. Bakugo and Midoriya were standing on the roof top, waiting for the signal to go. Midoriya was standing on the barrier for the roof in his classic villain attire, not caring if he got caught. Bakugo stood on the ground behind him in his black button up shirt, orange vest, white tie, black slacks and his perfectly clean white shoes.

Toga and Dabi were to 'attack' the students. They knew that they couldn't actually hurt them, but that wasn't going to stop Toga from having some fun with them. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were on standby a couple of buildings down, ready to help escape. There were a few newer members of the league that were supposed to distract some students, but that was it.

"So how many quirks do you have now?" Bakugo questioned as he gently sat on the ground.

"I have One for All, All for One, Combustion, Super Senses, Quirk Transfer, A Quirk Magnifier and Freeze Frame." Midoriya replied with a sigh as he climbed down from the ledge.

"Holy fuck dude." Bakugo replied with wide eyes. "You have been busy."

"Well, I'm trying to get what I can to help." Midoriya replied with a soft smile as he joined Bakugo on the ground. "Did you get everything from your hotel room that you cared about? You won't be going back you know." Midoriya said sadly. He was happy that Bakugo was finally able to come stay at the league with him, but he was upset at the same time. He knew the blonde was safer at UA with the pro's. There was no risk of the league being able to hurt him while he was there.

"There isn't anything I care about that isn't on this roof with me." Bakugo said with a slight blush as he looked to Midoriya. The green haired man smiled as he brought his hand to his hair, running his fingers through the wavy mess. Bakugo smiled as he watched the freckled man push his hand through his hair.

"So cute." Bakugo mumbled quietly.

"Did you say something Kaachan?" Midoriya questioned with a smirk.

"N-no." Bakugo stuttered in return as he turned his face away from the man sitting next to him. "So tell me about your quirks." He ordered, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Well.." Midoriya's voice trailed off into a small laugh as he stared at the flustered blonde. "Super Senses allows my hearing and vision to hear and see up to three times the normal amount." He said with a smirk. Bakugo's eyes widened as he heard this. He had been mumbling stuff about Midoriya all week. His face grew more red as he thought about all the times he called him cute or said that's hot under his breath.

"W-what's Quirk Transfer?" Bakugo chocked out in embarrassment.

"I can transfer a certain percentage of any of my quirks to someone else and I can also take a certain percentage as well." Midoriya explained.

"So it's just another way to steal quirks?" Bakugo questioned.

"Pretty much." Midoriya said as he shrugged his shoulders. "But I won't have to steal all of it, only a certain amount. So the quirk won't be as strong, but I won't feel so guilty. Then when this is all over, I'll return everyone's quirks to them." He said with a faint smile as guilt began to hit him in the chest.

"So you wanted it so you wouldn't feel as guilty?" Bakugo questioned as he turned his head towards Midoriya.

"No actually." Midoriya said with a smile. "I wanted it because I can't take him down without your help." He whispered. The blonde stared to him in confusion as he tried to piece together what he was talking about. "I want to give you half of the quirks I collect. I need your help Kaachan." Midoriya said sadly as he laid his head gently on the blondes shoulder. Bakugo's eyes widened from what the green haired man just said. Meanwhile, his heart was beating fast and his stomach was doing flips from Midoriya leaning on him.

"You want me to help you in the final battle?" Bakugo questioned as tears began pricking in his eyes.

"Of course." Midoriya replied happily from his position on the blondes shoulder.

"Tch." Bakugo spat as he gently laid his head on Midoriya's soft green waves. They sat in silence, thinking of the events to come. The whole plan of today was to cause as much chaos as they physically could while showing the school they had lost another student to the dark side. Midoriya however, had another goal in mind. He didn't want to think about it too much, or he would change his mind. He was planning on doing something unforgivable, but he had to do it in order the bring down All for One. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the presence of Bakugo for a few more minutes before a loud explosion was heard below them. Both boys jumped to their feet, hearts beating fast. They knew it was going to happen, they just didn't know when.

"Is it time already?" Bakugo questioned as Midoriya walked towards the edge.

"Yes." He replied when he saw blue flames surrounding the hotel. "It's time." He said coldly as he walked back towards the blonde. "Remember, you're a villain now. You have to be cold and hate filled towards everyone." Midoriya reminded as he grabbed his bow and arrows from the ground.

"I can do that." Bakugo spat. "I'll see you later." He said as he began walking towards the door to the hotel. "Please be careful." He whispered. He knew Midoriya could hear him with that new quirk, but it still felt more special to not shout it across the roof top.

"You too." Midoriya replied with a soft smile before lunging to the next building over. He began scanning the streets in hopes of finding his friends from UA. There was blue fire and smoke everywhere, so it was hard to see much of anything on the ground. He groaned loudly as he closed his eyes, desperately trying to listen to the conversations that were happening below.

"Where do you think you're going?" He heard a high pitched voice yell on the street below them.

"Where's Deku?" Another voice yelled back. His eyes shot open when he heard that voice. He could recognize it anywhere, Uraraka was his best friend after all.

"Izuku? He's around here somewhere." Toga replied with a cynical smile. "He's kind of in charge right now, so he's watching us actually." Toga replied with a smirk.

"You're lying!" Uraraka yelled as she lunged for the blonde. She couldn't keep calm at the moment, not when she knew Midoriya was so close.

"Why would I lie?" Toga replied happily as she pulled out her knife, holding it in front of her body.

"Uraraka!" Todoroki yelled as he held up his hand, emitting a huge block of ice between her and Toga. "You are going to get hurt if you keep acting reckless!" He yelled as he jumped into action. Midoriya pulled himself away from the group below them as he heard foot steps behind him. He let out a heavy sigh as he grabbed the ponytail off his wrist, quickly throwing his hair into the messy bun.

"How long are you going to ignore me, Midoriya?"

"I was trying to keep an eye on my girlfriend." The green haired man replied with a heavy sigh. "But this does seem more fun." He replied with a smirk as he turned around to face the exact person he wanted to see.

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