Beating Around the Bush

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"Ready?" Bakugo questioned as he and Midoriya stepped off the train.

"To meet with All Might and everyone? Yes. To go back to the league? No, not really." Midoriya replied with a sigh as him and Bakugo walked outside into the chilly air. Their whole week of quirk hunting had come and passed with a blink of an eye. Their bond grew closer with each passing day. They weren't officially dating, but they did finally acknowledge their feelings for one another. It wasn't a great idea to go and proclaim their affection towards one another during such an important mission.

"I wonder if Aizawa, Pink Cheeks and Shitty Hair will be there." Bakugo stated as they began their short walk.

"Aizawa, probably. I'm not too sure about Kirishima and Uraraka. It would be nice to see them though!" Midoriya said with a sad smile. He truly did miss his simple life at UA. He wasn't terrified to say the wrong things, he didn't have to check every corner he turned there. It was his home.

"Well, we'll be going home soon enough." Bakugo said with a small smile as they began climbing the stairs to the green haired mans apartment.

"Hopefully in about a month." Midoriya replied sadly as they landed at the top of the staircase. They quickly made their way to the apartment door, shoving the key inside. Midoriya was relieved when he opened the apartment door to a dark living room.

"Looks like we beat them here." Bakugo said with a smirk as he flipped the lights on.

"They probably won't be too long." Midoriya replied as he shut the door quietly behind them.

"If only we could find a way to pass the time." Bakugo said aloud with a smirk as he made his way over to the couch.

"If only." Midoriya smirked back as he eyed Bakugo up and down. The blonde was leaning back in the couch with his arms to his sides. Neither of the boys were in their villain attire today. Bakugo was in a pair of black jeans with a red plain colored shirt. It was tight enough to show off his muscles, which Midoriya was a huge fan of. The green haired man slowly walked towards the blonde with a seductive smirk plastered to his face.

"I can think of a few ways." Bakugo said mischievously. Midoriya hummed in response as he placed his one leg on both sides of Bakugo, straddling him.

"Is this one of them?" Midoriya questioned with a husky voice as he wrapped his arms around the blonde, tangling one in hand in his hair.

"It's the best one." Bakugo replied as he wrapped his arms around Midoriya's waist firmly. Their lips connected for a passionate kiss as Midoriya's loose hair fell around the two. Kissing each other was something neither of the boys ever expected to happen, but it was the best thing that could have happened. The green haired man slowly pulled away with the taste of Bakugo's lips stuck on his.

"K-Kaachan?" Midoriya questioned nervously as he rested his forehead against the blondes.

"What nerd?" Bakugo spat, not entirely thrilled that their kiss had ended so shortly after it began.

"When we finish all this and go back to UA, are we still going to be doing stuff like this?" He questioned sadly with a sigh. He had to know before he got too attached to the fiery blonde.

"Why wouldn't we?" The blonde questioned in confusion as he pulled away from the freckled man.

"I just thought maybe you were bored since we haven't been with our friends.." Midoriya's voice trailed off sadly as his eyes locked onto the beautiful red one's. "I need to know now, if you are going to go back to hating me, that's something I kind of need to prepare myself for." He said with a sad smile. Bakugo frowned as he stared to the man in front of him that he genuinely couldn't live without.

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