Chapter 25: "The Practice Battle"(Part 1)

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Author: So sorry for not updating straight after the A/N last Friday! And the Friday after that...


Here's that update, enjoy!

Asta's POV:
The next few days were actually calm and normal, nothing out of the ordinary has happened since the day the Wizard King announced the choosing of 31 students for a special class.

I still don't know whether it's a good thing or bad, I just wanted to get in.

And I lied, if the students here weren't hectic enough, then they had just gone crazy.

A lot of fights were happening. Some intentional and we're practice fights, while others weren't. Those were the fights that broke friendships.

Luckily for me, Yuno, Noelle, Mimosa, Leopold and Klaus, we weren't part of that group.

And we didn't plan to be.

We did agree though that we'd help each other practice.

So we planned to see a practice battle in a clearing outside the school grounds.

Of course we would ask permission first from the headmaster to leave for a bit.

Actually, that's what we were long right now.

"Ok Asta, when we go in there please don't make a fool of yourself." Klaus looked at me and warned.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Oh! Do you think we could sneak into town after practice?!" I asked.

"That would be so fun!" Mimosa beamed.

"That is out of the question." Klaus stated pushing up his glasses.

"What?! Aww, why not?" I pouted.

"You notice that we could be expelled for disobeying and betraying the headmaster's trust that we will only do a practice battle an-"

I cut him off, "I know, but we could still ask her ourselves to go into town!"

"We aren't going to ask so stop trying to convince me." Klaus stated strictly.

"Come on, Please Mr. Spects?" I pleaded.

"No. That's final."

I pouted as we finally got to the door of the headmaster's office.

Klaus heaved a sigh then knocked on the door.

There was a sudden crashing of what sounded like paper and glass, causing me to burst the door open.

"Asta wai-!" Klaus stopped mid-sentence at the sight we all saw.

The headmaster was on the ground face first in nothing but a towel wrapped around her body.

Yuno's POV:
Klaus had an immediate nosebleed as soon as he looks looked into the room and Asta was just too shocked to look away.

What's going on?

I watched Mimosa and Noelle quickly cover Asta and Klaus' eyes.

I peeked from the space they left in between them and saw what they were gawking at.

Why is she naked and only in a towel?!

I quickly turned away when I hear her grumbled and curse under breath.


"H-Headmaster!" Noelle stammered trying to find the words to explain why three boys had just seen her in the state that she was.

"Ahhh!" She shrieked and stumbled to her feet.

"Wha-what are you doing here?!" She squeaked holding the towel over her body.

"We're so sorry that we interrupted you!" Mimosa said and instantly she and Noelle yanked Asta and Klaus out the door.


"So. Do you want to explain why you came to my office without telling me before?" The headmaster said in an irritated voice.

Noelle laughed nervously, "Well... Klaus here had something to ask." Then she pushed Klaus forwards, closer to the Headmaster, "Go on, say it!"

Klaus gave us a slight glare but then changed his expression looking back at the headmaster, " Ahem. We originally came here to ask for permission to leave the campus."

"What for exactly?" The headmaster asked with an arched eyebrow.

"We were hoping to put our skills to use, based off of what we learned in class recently." Klaus answered.

"Ah, but there's more to it than that, am I correct?"

"Huh? What do you mean Miss?" Noelle asked.

Asta's POV:

"You do want to get chosen for the special class, right?" The headmaster asked with a small smirk.

"Of course we do ma'am! That's why were gonna work hard!" I said confidently.

The headmaster smiled, "Alright. You can go."

"Alright!" I cheered.

Noelle and Mimosa high-fived each other, exchanging smiles. Yuno and Klaus just smiled.

"Oh and please do make an appointment with me next time." The headmaster said with an uneasy smile.

"Right..." Noelle groaned a little looking to the side.


"Yay! We're going out of campus! Hey Klaus, can we please check out at least one town while were there?" I beamed.

Klaus sighed, "You're the whole reason why we went through that whole ordeal In the first place. If you hadn't- you know what? Fine. we'll go."

"What? Really?" I asked with stars in his eyes.

"Yes, if it'll make you stop pestering me about it." Klaus replied.


"Wow, you hit two birds with one stone." Yuno said.

I winked, "Yep!"

I watched Yuno tried his best to not blush, but completely failed. I laughed in response.


Author: Yes I think call know what's coming, but yes, it's a date between Asta and Yuno.

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That's all from me, follow for more updates and check out my other books if you want.

Stay safe! Bye!

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