Chapter 18: My Brother...My Lover

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Something's Up With the Grey Twins [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 18: My Brother...My Lover

Alexxis' POV

               I jumped from my seat, Shay okay just a little shaken up, and stumbled for the door. A crowd had already gathered outside as the screams became louder. "Let me through!" I pushed passed people, ignoring their objections. "Alex!" 

He was wallowing on the ground in a full blown fit, a blonde that reminded me a little too much of Caitlyn hovering around him. "Alex, it's okay - I'm here!" She attempted to calm him, her quick moves causing him to panic and lash out in blind terror. 

"Don't touch him!" I snapped, pulling her away right before my brother would've hit her. "Alex, it's me. It's Alexxis." I spoke calmly; I could see the mental anguish in his eyes. "Alex-" I tried again, my fingers reaching out for him. 

He calmed down a bit and I took him in my arms. "Shh." I cooed into his ear. "You're okay Alex." His hands clutched at me, his knuckled going white with the pressure. 

"Alexxis - I'm so sorry!" He cried, his eyes still wide and frightened like a wounded animal. 

I placed both hands on either side of his face. "You're okay. Try to breathe..." He did as I instructed and slowly he was able to regain his composure. 

I led him away from the group and the girls followed. Shay stayed by me while 'Caitlyn' stayed by him. "Where's Christina?!" His head perked up and scanned the area around us. 

"I'm right here." Caitlyn turned Christina answered. She hugged him and I was momentarily shocked when he didn't flinch away. "I'm so sorry Alex, I didn't see the bus." 

Alex more or less ignored her as he took my hand. "I wanna go home." He whined. 

Christina looked back to the street where police had pulled up. 

"I have to get this settled first, and then we can go home." She walked off to talk to the authorities. 

"Who is she Alex?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer. 

He looked at me, a small smile playing on his lips. "Christina? She's my sister." I looked at the Barbie wanna be, a bit disgusted for reasons I didn't fully understand. 

"You like her?" 

He shook his head, his fingers tightening a bit around mine. "She's really nice." I guess if Alex liked her then she was okay but I couldn't help but feel a bit threatened. 

               Holly hugged Shay and I closer, babying us because the bus had clipped the corner of Christina's car. 

"We're fine mom." Shay mumbled. After the whole debacle was handled, Shay and I went back to Christina's house where her mother was already waiting. 

"Hey Sarah, it's good to see you again." Holly greeted Alex's new mother. They continued to talk about random subjects I found no interest in. 

"Alexxis, mom and Sarah said you can stay here tonight..." Shay filled in. 

Alex smiled, his hand still intertwined in my own. "Mom, what's for dinner?" 

I looked at my brother and I couldn't help but wonder who this guy standing next to me was. "You're eating willingly?" 

"Yeah." He was overjoyed at the accomplishment. "I can also sit in a car without really freaking out." 

While I was happy that he was overcoming some of his most debilitating qualities, it also hurt that I really had nothing to do with it. "That's great Alex." 

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