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Epilogue: The Big Day

My heart was is my chest, I could hear it pumping so loudly, I was worried that the others could too. The day is finally here and I just know I'm going to fall in the huge heels I have for the reception. I looked down at the stunning white dress and focus on the details to try and calm myself down.

Deep breaths Mel, deep breaths, I encouraged myself.

"Ready?" I looked over to see Heidi looking at me with a worried face. She looked so beautiful with her purple strapless dress and a small bouquet of Baby's Breath in her hands. I bobbed my head before slowly turning away.

"Melissa!" Debbie said walking quickly towards me. She grabbed my face with both of her hands and forced me to look into her eyes.
"Focus Mel! Just five more minutes and you'll be with Noah," she said, "Noah. Focus on Noah," she delicately kissed my forehead before taking off back in the direction of the ceremony.

Right, focus Mel, Noah. Noah. Noah. I thought to my self while everyone hustled and bustled around me, but it really all seemed like a blur.

"Hey Melissa. How are you dear?" I turned to see Andrew looking at me with kind eyes.

"I won't lie to you, I'm pretty nervous," I told him honestly, forcing a smile onto my face.

He chuckled. "I remember my wedding day. Best day of my life. I still remember when I saw my beautiful bride walking up the isle," he pause smiling, remember his big day. Then he suddenly turned to look at me, "He loves you, don't you worry about that,"

I smiled at him, "I love him too,"

"I don't doubt that for a second," he said with a wrinkly smile.

I looked back to towards the ocean and thought about where I was and I could see the glow of the sun setting across the water. We where at the beach where Noah and I first meet. But now it had been set up to look like a wedding. I hadn't seen the isle yet but I was faced in the other direction in a white tent.

"Ok hun," I turned around to see Heidi looking at me with my beautiful bouquet full of white lilies. She handed me the the big white bouquet before grabbing my hand and pulling me up to stand just in front of the tent opening. Mathew smiled at me in his little tux and I smiled back. He looked real cute. Debbie then rushed through the opening with her little baby Charlotte and handed her to Heidi and also strapped the ring pillow with the rings to charlotte's wrist before taking off with a quick wave and a kiss to wards me then Charlotte.

Debbie ended up having baby Charlotte on my birthday to my delight, and she is the most cutest little baby with curly blonde hair and a cubby face with dimples.

"Okay Mat, go," Heidi said, pushing him out the tent as the music started.bShe waited about ten seconds before she followed herself. Then Andrew and I waited the same before stepping out into the pale warm sand with my bare feet. Although I did have delicate little foot jewellery that had little diamonds.

I kept my eyes locked to the ground as Andrew led me across the warm sand to the isle. When we made it to the top of the isle I hesitantly looked up seeing everyone looking at me. I could feel my face go warm as I sheepishly smiled at the guests. I could see everyone. Aunty Sandra with tears rolling down her face. I next saw Amber, Brad, Mary and Bethany all smiling at me as I got closer. Eddie up the front smirking at me and making suggestive faces and hand movements to which I rolled my eyes he was one of the grooms men, and Peter was the best man and he was smiling at me.

I then laid my eyes on Noah. Smiling the the most breath taking smile in beige pants and a lovely white shirt that was ruffled in the wind the was unbuttoned at the top, he had tiny white Lilly on his shirt to match my bouquet. He looked so hot. I now put the biggest smile on my face as I tried to picked up pace to reach him. The walk up the isle just seemed to get longer and longer as Andrew kept me at one speed.

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