21. Love (Part 1)

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Chapter 21: Love (Part 1)

Noah's POV:

Argh, I'm never going to get this right. The reason why this song is my favourite is because it is Melissa's. I've been trying so hard to learn this song so maybe I can play it for her to show her how I really feel. I love her.

Damn it! I really hate Brad! I'm never going to get this right! I tried for a long time at getting the first bit before finally getting it! I chuckled and scribbled down notes on the paper in front of me.

I just wanted my Mel back.

My fingers moved over the keys as Mr Beaty walked out of the darkness

"Well done Noah. Getting better ever day" He said.

"I really want to master this one" I replied.

"Does the girl know you're here?" He asked raising his eye brows.

"No she doesn't" he chuckled. She will soon. I smiled at that.

"Well maybe she will forgive you when she knows how much work you've put into this song for her" he suggested.

"That's my plan" I said quietly. I really hope it works. It's killing me not talking to her! I miss her smile and feisty comebacks.

Next thing I know there's an angry voice coming from the seats in front of the stage.

"What the hell!" Melissa yelled at me standing in the middle of a isle.

"Melissa" I sighed grateful to see her face but upset that she now knew my plan! But she didn't seem happy about it, "what are you doing here?"

"I asked you first" she growled at me. Feisty. I smiled a bit.

"No you didn't" I said, but that comment almost made steam come out of her ears so I answered her unsaid question, "Well I guess you've been here for a while, you now know why I'm here sweetheart" I said while my cheeks burned, I hoped it wasn't noticeable.

"Yeah, you're practising to make a romantic gesture for a girl" she sneered, "I'm sure Suzanne will love it!" She whispered just loud enough for me to hear before turning and running out of the room crying.

I felt so bad! She really thought I had a thing with Suzanne! I mean the thing with the kiss was I was to stunned to react at first and then I thought that maybe if she kissed me once then she would back off! But in the end Mel saw. I broke most of Suzanne's stuff that night and then went to my father and got her kicked out. No one else knows that and I haven't talked enough to even tell anyone. My mum and dad think I'm depressed about something just because I won't do my video dairies anymore. I mean if people found out I did those it would ruin my reputation for sure. And why would I want to put any of this stuff about Mel! I don't want to remember when I lost the love of my life!

"Earth to Noah?!" Mr Beaty said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, um, ah" I stuttered.

"Go after her Noah!" he said looking at me in the eyes.

"I won't find her, and even if I do she won't listen to me" I muttered.

"Noah, you'll never forgive yourself if you don't" he said, looking at me.

I got off the stool and ran out the door. The door slammed be door behind me. I checked left and right.

Which way?

I decided on left. I ran down the corridor till I reached the door. I ran though the door and raced outside

"Shit" I cursed as the pouring rain, soaked my clothes and hair.

Now I had to think, if I was Melissa, where would I go. The dorm? No, that would be to obvious.

The secret garden.

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