30. Good Morning

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Chapter 30: Good Morning

"If I can't have you, no one can," he sneered, "I'll see you in hell,"

"Please. Please!" I sobbed, struggling under his impossibly strong grip and he just chuckled.

The cold gun pressed into my forehead.



I shot up out of bed screaming.

"Mel?" Noah asked as he sat up next to me and rubbed my shoulders.

"Oh Noah! I'm so sorry," I sobbed loudly, realising that it was only a dream.

He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. After a minute I slowly opened my eyes to see the Noah's Face.

I lifted my finger slowly and stroked his cheek. He smiled the most breath taking smile. He wiped the tears off of my face. "I love you," he whispered in his husky voice.

"I love you too," I smiled a bit. He chuckled before pecking me on the cheek.

The hands that where wrapped around my body slowly unwrapped them selves from me. He made a groaning noise while he stretched.
He looked so hot with his morning bed hair, not to mention that he was wearing no top! Damn those abs! I just want to run my tongue-

"Finished checking me out there honey?" he smirked I interrupting my thoughts.

"Nope," I replied, making a popping sound on the 'p' feeling extra confident.

He laughed, "As much as I'd love to stay here and continue this, there are things to do sweetheart," he said as he kissed my forehead.

"I know, I've still got to tell my aunty I'm engaged," I muttered. I really did wonder what she would think. But it probably won't be good. She hated it when my mum got married at the early age of 18 to my dad. I mean I am one year older then 18, but still.

Noah nodded, considering, before he slowly got out of bed then walked to the bathroom. I picked my phone off of the bedside table and dialled my Aunty Sandra's number.

"Hello? Sandra speaking," a familiar voice said through the phone.

I swallowed, "Hey Aunty, it's Mel," I said, trying to hide a yawn.

"Melissa!" she sung through the line making me chuckle, "What can I do for you hun?"

I frowned, not quite sure what to say next, "Um, well, we need to speak," I finally decided on.

"Oh," she sounded worried, "Sure honey. When and where?" I really loved her! She would do and drop anything for me.

"How about Starbucks on Stockmen road?" I asked her.

"That's good, I'll see you at three?" She asked.

"Three," I confirmed before the line went dead.
I placed the phone back on the table just in time for Noah to walk out of the bathroom. He must of seen the worried look in my face because he looked at me and frowned before walking over to me and scooping me up into a big bear hug. He pulled away to study my face, looking for an answer. His eyes bored into mine and I just shook my head at him. He frowned again, obviously not buying it.

"It's my Aunt. I don't know what she will think of all this. I'm meeting her a Starbucks at 3pm," I said looking away.

"Oh," was all he said, he was obviously uncomfortable, "Well we are meeting her," he smiled at me when I looked back up at him.

I guess that made it a little for bearable, knowing the he will be there. "Keep it down would you!" Peter hissed.

I looked over to see him and Amber snuggling into the blankets. They'd only just moved back in after my screaming in my sleep doesn't happen very often now. Except for this mornings incident. Oops.

"Come on," he whispered a smiling, pulling me out of bed.

I frowned and looked at the clock, we still had until three, it was only eight. He looked at my confused face and just shook his head, I shrugged and got myself ready. I got changed into a comfy tee and a pair of jeans before we rushed out of the door.

"What's the hurry?!" I complained closing the door and locking it behind me.

"Just come on!" He said grabbing my arm with a ridiculous smile on his face.

Oh Noah, what do you have in mind?

Sorry it's so short!! I'm saving up of the next chapter!! And sorry I can't give any clues to what will happen next!

-Love2wright xx

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