11. Old Faces

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Chapter 11: Old Faces

"Jeremy," I choked out in a whispered, staring wide eyes up at him as he stood in my dorm room doorway.

"Nice to see you again," he purred with a small smirk appearing in his face. I couldn't respond. Jeremy was here, in my dorm.

"Did you think of knocking?" Noah snapped at him, glaring up at him angrily. 

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Only visitors have to knock," he said calmly, tilting his head to the side.

I stared at the man I used to love, with his long blonde hair that hung messy, dirty and greasy. His lanky figure stood in the door way, holding a bag with long, over controlling, dominate fingers. I shivered, Noah looked down at me with a frown before he got off of me to sit next to me and I sat up, "What does that make you? You know unwelcome visitors also have to knock," Noah snapped at him.

"Well I'll keep that in mind, but the answer to your first question is, roomy," he smiled rather unpleasantly.

I almost choked, "A what?!" I managed I blurt out.

"Yes, that's right Melissa, in moving in here, I'm here for you, I'm getting you back. You see, this is the biggest dorm, which is why, Mr Prior here," he pause before he nodded towards Noah, "Has it. There was no other dorms for me to move into so I was told that you guys could make room in here for me," he finished with a non-friendly smile.

We both glared at him, but I was more scared than angry.

"You can ask your father if you want Noah," he cocked his head to the side. How he knows Noah's name, I'll never know, "Anyway, which bunk should I take?" He asked.

"Neither. Both are occupied," Noah sneered at him.

He chuckled, "Okay then, I'll just take the bed with you Melissa," he smiled as he walked over to my bed, "I'm guess that this one is yours?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I watched him with my mouth agape. He couldn't be serious, how could he think I'd take him back after everything. I shivered again and Noah obviously felt it. He looked at me with furious eyes then turned back to Jer. "No. You'll take the bottom bunk," Noah snapped at him.

"Oh? I thought it was occupied?" He smiled at Noah.

"It's my bed, but you have it. I'll sleep with my girlfriend," he said as he placed his arm over my shoulder, hugging me close.

I was a little surprised but I didn't care, if it got Jeremy off my back then so be it. But I know Jeremy well, one little (fake) boyfriend will not stop him getting what he wants in the end. Whether he has to take it by force or not.

"Oh? You guys go out?" He asked me, studying my face.

I didn't trust my voice so I didn't speak, I just nodded my head.

"Well," he said with a smile, although it wasn't as friendly as a smile should be, "I'd better get my stuff. By the way, nice make up." he smirked at Noah as he walked out the door.

I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding. I collapsed into Noah's arms and sighed. We didn't talked, I didn't know what to say and I assumed that was his problem too.

"You okay?" He finally asked after a while.

"I guess," said and my voice cracked.

He wrapped both his arms around me and squeezed me tightly, making me feel secure.

"Well, well," Peter chuckled as he walked through the door, "Aren't you two looking adorable,"

We both just looked at him, saying nothing.
"Did I miss something?" He asked looking around the room.

"We have a new roommate," Noah muttered.

"Where they gonna sleep?" He asked looking around again.

"My bed," he answered quietly.

"Where the hell you meant to sleep? You're not sleeping with me mate," he warned him, with an arched brow.

"He's sleeping with me," I answered this time, my voice still slightly shaky, but stronger than before.

"Oh," he smiled at Noah, "finally," I frowned at him.

"Shut up, I need a favour." Noah said seriously as he stood up, leaving me on the floor.

"What do you want?" He asked, detecting the seriousness in his voice, turning serious himself.

"If anyone asks, Mel and I are going out okay?" He told him easily.

"Um okay? Can I ask why?" He said, firstly looking at me ten back at Noah. He looked down at me and shook my head, Noah should know the full story before anyone else knows the short one

"No, but we've been going out for awhile," he said.

"Sure thing," he muttered before entering the bathroom and leaving us alone.

I watched on as Noah walked over to his bed and stripped his sheets and put them into an empty box. He cleared his bed side table and only put the important things on my table, but the rest went into the same box. He then slid the box under my bed before turning to me. He reached his hand out and I grabbed it as he pulled me up.

"Get a jumper," he mumbled.

"Where are going?" I asked him.

"I think we need to talk."

Yes. I think we do.

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