12. Arrangements

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Chapter 12: Arrangements

He took me to his garden and we both tried to keep our faces hidden. I'd put on a long sleeve top and long pants as I thought the words were inappropriate. He'd written,

I fucked Noah Prior

On both arms and both legs, pretty creative, I know. And unfortunately I'm sure most people will believe that after they find out we're 'going out'.

Sat down on blanket and pillows like last time, laying back and enjoying the sun, but after awhile he turned his head to afce me, "So," he finally said, "What do we do?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. But thanks," I said glumly.

"You're welcome," he smiled at me, "Well since I'm going to be lying for you maybe you should tell me the whole story," he probed, looking at me with curious eyes.

Did I want to let him in? Tell him every little detail? I couldn't help myself.  "We started going out when I was fourteen and we went out for two years, he was my first love," I smiled, "We were going out for about a year before he started to beat me," I saw Noah wince, "Small things at first and I tried to hide it but once he started to hit my face I could no longer hide the bruises so I stayed at home, mum knew there was nothing terribly wrong but I'd brush it off, I thought I loved him so I didn't want to lose him. But it got worse. Once I didn't do as he'd asked and his beatings landed me in hospital with two broken ribs and my left hand also broken. I told everyone I fell of a ladder I but I knew they didn't believe me, though no one but mum and dad said anything to me. One night we went to a party and he went missing. I went to look for him and I found him in bed with my ex best friend Lauren. Lauren, Rachel; who is my current best friend, and I were the best of friends, completely inseparable.

"I yelled at both of them, Lauren seemed shocked that I'd caught them but Jeremy smiled then asked me to join them. Lauren got pretty angry at him because apparently they'd been secreting dating for awhile and Lauren loved him too," I chuckled humourlessly, "Of course I totally flipped out.

"Then one years later my parents died. Both of them tried to make an appearance at the funeral but my aunty kicked then both out with her boot," I chuckled again, "and now he turns up here wanting a second chance with me, he won't drop it, he is to strong willed. I mean the dating thing will help, but won't stop him." I sighed sadly.

"That jerk, he won't touch you, I promise. I won't let him hurt you again," he snapped.

"Thanks Noah," I sighed again, leaning into his side and resting my head on his chest.

"Come on," he muttered after a moment longer, standing up, "I need to talk to Peter, and don't worry, you're save as long as I'm here," he promised.

We walked back to our dorm in silence. There's been a lot of that recently and I don't like it, like we no longer know what to say.

Once we were back in the dorm Peter was sitting on his bed watching Jeremy unpack his stuff, he definitely wasn't joking when he said he was staying here. Both their heads snapped look up to us as we walked in.

"Peter, can I talk to you?" Noah asked.

"Sure thing," he said as he climbed down the ladder and I watched as he exited the room.

"Will you be okay in here with him?" Noah whispered in my ear looking at Jeremy who was watching us intensely. I bit my lip and nodded.

"I'll be back soon okay?" He said louder then he kissed my forehead before he walked out the door.

I couldn't make my muscles move. I knew the display was only for Jeremy's sake but it still gave me butterflies. My skin burned where his hand touched my neck and his lips to my forehead. I slowly began to move again and I walked over to my bed and sat down ignoring Jeremy's presence.

"So," he started, "you're going out with that noob," he said sticking his thumb towards they door.

I snort, "He's not a noob," I snapped, although it was barely audible.

"Whatever. I'll get you back soon," he smiled at me slowly walked over to my bed, "You'll see, you will be mine again Melissa and you know it," he smiled as he reached my bed.

I shivered with fear and close my eyes as I curled up in a tight ball just waiting for the blow.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER,"!Noah yelled at Jeremy as he walked in, the volume of his voice, hurt my ears he was so loud.

"We where only talking, isn't that right Mel?" He chuckled but I didn't answer or peal my eyes away from my hands in my ball position.

"I swear, if you ever touch her again!" Noah growled protectively.

"Geez man, overprotective much?" He chuckled, not worried at all by Noah's vicious warning.

Another long moment past, "Hey?" Noah whispered in my ear.

I felt him crawl onto the bed and pull me into his arms.

"You're safe now," he cooed gently in my ear, settling me down, my breathing slowly slowed down to the point where I uncurled myself from my ball to look at him and he was staring back at me with worry.

"Thank you Noah," I whispered.

"You're very welcome," he smiled back at me ad I snuggled back into his chest.

He was the bestest friend I could ever hope for here at collage. He was way too understanding considering I drew in his face with permanent marker. And how much of a jerk he was a few days weeks ago.


I lay wake, very aware of his shirtless presence right next to me. I managed to catch a short glimpse of him as he walked out of the bathroom after his shower with only pyjama pants on. And if I might say so myself, damn those abs. But I couldn't sleep with him lying next to me like this. It was to much. I sighed then decided that if I was ever going to pull off being asleep Id have to move sooner or later.

So I rolled over onto my other side to face Noah and gasped slightly when I saw his brown eyes staring right at me.

He chuckled, "Did I scare ya?" He whispered only just loud enough for me to hear.

"A little," I admitted.

His silent laugh made the bed shake a bit, "You scare easily," he murmured.

"That's not funny," I said as my face burned in the darkness again

He chuckle again, before asking, "Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep," I murmured with a smiled; I couldn't sleep because I was next to his hot sexy body.

"Me either," he whispered with a smile.

I shivered a little in the cold night air. Of course Peter had left his window above his bed open, letting the cool breeze in.

"C'mon," he murmured, gesturing for me to snuggle up to him.

Now, I know what you're thinking, classic cliche story, Girl secretly likes bad boy who softens up only for her and then they end up in bed and the snuggle then they kiss, I know but firstly, I don't really like him that much...
And second, there is no way that the kissing thing will happen, even though it's almost happened twice...

I shuffled over and snuggled into his bare chest. His strong, protective arms wrapped around me sending tingles through my spine. He shivered when my cold hands made contact with his chest. "Damn Mel, you're freezing," he whispered in my ear.

"It's all Peter's fault," I sighed.

He then chuckled, "Come on, get some sleep," he muttered as he rubbed my arms.

I snuggled deeper into his chest and inhaled his delicious sent. And as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness I suddenly thought,

I think I'm falling for you Noah Prior

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