22. Love (Part 2)

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Chapter 22: Love (Part 2)

Melissa's POV:

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"For goodness sakes!" I yelled frustratedly. I've been sitting here watching the water drip off a plant for who knows how long now. It was getting painful to listen and watch the dripping water. Not to meant ion I was soaking wet form the rain that started a little while ago.

"Mel!" Noah called and I jumped in fright.

Shit! He's close. In fact, he's in the wall tunnel and coming fast, I looked around for cover. Bingo, I saw a half cut down tree with tall grass over grown all around it. I jumped up and hid in the grass behind the tree.

"Melissa?" he called again, he was close now.

"Melissa please. I know you're here. Please hear me out. I love you," he said as he came into the garden, looking at my jacket if left on the ground in full view. Oh crap.

I slowly stood and his eyes came in contact with mine. He seemed to be just as drenched as me but I could still see that his eyes had tears in them. "Mel, you've got to listen too me! I was playing that song for you! I was hoping that you'd hear me play it and forgive me,"

"What about Suzzie?" I sniff.

He groaned, "Melissa! I don't love her! I hardly even like her! She kissed me! And I give her what for afterwards and you completely broke my heart. Mel, I love you. I love everything about you and I always will and it's being killing me to see you with Brad, watch you kiss another man, be with another man. You should be with me!" He started shouting towards the end.

I glared at him, "You don't think I've been to hell and back! You had me falling for you so hard than you back to kissing a girl that you said annoyed the hell out of you-"

He interrupted me, "She kissed me! Dammit Mel! I didn't kiss her, I never wanted to kiss her," I cried out.

"It looked like you enjoyed it, you didn't even pull away," I snapped at him with my arms on my hips.

"Well, when someone kisses you and you don't expect it, it sort of takes you by surprise!" He snapped back, mirroring me as his hands went to his hips too.

I closed my eyes as fresh tears escaped, "You didn't even fight for me," I whispered.

"Didn't fight?" He groaned loudly at this and moved closer, "Mel, I tried, but you wouldn't let me in, than you started dating Bradley! What did you expect me to do! Come right in and tell him to back off cause you're mine and sweep you off your feet?" I raised his brows at me.

The corner on my mouth twitched upwards a bit, "Something like that," I so as and he chuckled, closing the space between us, our wet clothes mushed together as he wiped a stray tear on my cheek and I closed my eyes, enjoying how nice it felt.

"Is it too late to sweep you off your feet now?" He asked quietly and I reopened my eyes again to look up at him, he looked slightly concerned.

I groaned, pulling out of his arms and agitatedly walked to the other side of the garden, "If I only just stopped and opened my eyes! Everyone told me that you loved me, but I didn't listen!" I said, and more tears ran down my face

We stood in silence for a few seconds both of us looking at the ground, before I looked up and said, "I love you Noah Prior,"

He looked up from the ground to stare at me before smiling, his eyes sparkled. "I am sorry Mel. I love you too, it's always been you," he replied, making my heart melt and I smiled at him, "I've missed that smiled" he added.

My grin widened as I shook my head in wonder before I ran into his strong arms that caught me with ease, I looked up to his face. "Kiss me," I smirked at him. He stared into my eyes intensely for a few moments before pressing his lips forcefully to mine. This kiss was not like our other one. This one was passionate and forceful. There was a sort of urgency to this kiss, like nothing else mattered. I couldn't form one single thought as our lips moved in sync while my hands ran through his hair and his roamed up and down my back, pushing me closer to him; closing any gaps.

His hands went under my bum, lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly. We had barely come up for air as neither of us could pull away. But soon breathing became important and slowly he pulled away and put me back on the ground. "I love you Melissa," he stated proudly and I blushed, "I'm in love with you. And I never want to lose you ever again," he said as his eyes sparkled.

I feel sort of dizzy, I can't remember my name. He loves me! He's in love with me! I love him. I try to make my lips say it again but I'm not sure if they can function. I have to remind myself to breath. In. Out. In. Out.

"Never," I say, "Never again. You'll never lose me even if you want to, you're kinda stuck with me," I smiled at him. Surprised at how clear that sounded.

His smile turned into his well known smirk, "I'll always want you sweetheart,"

I chuckled, ignoring my heated cheeks, "Come on casanova," I said as we strolled out if the garden in the still pouring rain. When crossing the field Noah pulled me to a stop in the middle and planted a kiss on my lips. I've always wanted to kiss in the rain. And here is my dream come true. Twice in one night!


I gasped, breaking away from Noah to look a the shocked boy in front of us, "Brad!" I breathed looking at his face as I flushed red, realising what I had just down, "Brad I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

"Forget about it Melissa," he growled turning on his heel and storming away.

I looked at Noah, shocked. What have I done!

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